Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

December 26, 2015

Christmas Message: Not Just "Good News" but "GREAT News"

I remember many years ago I was on vacation in the Province of British Columbia (in Canada) at Thanksgiving time and was staying with my Uncle & Aunt. Usually I would have skipped church for that one week I was with them, but since it was during "Thanksgiving" (celebrated in October in Canada), I really wanted to take the opportunity to give God praise for the myriad of blessings in my life. My Uncle kindly offered to drive me to church and back.

I was born into a big, Catholic family but I had been attending a Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) church for about 30 years at that point and found one very near my Uncle's home. As he was dropping me off he asked when he should come back to retrieve me. The service started at 10:30 am and I told him not to bother to come back for me any time before 12:30 pm, but it would probably be closer to 1:00 pm. He had just parked the car in the church parking lot, looked at me and said rather incredulously, "What are you people doing in there for all that time?!" 

So I started estimating in a quiet voice, but out loud: "Let's see: 'Welcome' messages and the Bulletin, singing for at least an hour, perhaps going forward for special prayer requests, maybe it will be a 'Communion Service', about 45 minutes for the sermon, maybe a couple more songs and prayer, sending the kids off for "Childrens' Church", ...?" 
That's when he stopped me and said, "Wait a minute! Go Back. Forty-five minutes for a sermon?!"

I responded, "Yeah. And that will be the bare minimum." He looked at me amazed and said something like, "Your devotion is much stronger than mine would be. I couldn't sit through a sermon that was almost an hour long!"

I responded with, "Well, it depends on the minister, but if he was  talking about Auntie __________  [and named his beloved wife]  for that long, you'd think it had zipped by because she's your favorite topic. Same for me and Jesus."
My point being, though this video may seem long (at around 40 minutes), it's probably going to feel like it "zipped" by in only a few minutes! 

 For those of you who like to go to church at Christmas time and feel you haven't "done" Christmas properly until you've had your Christmas message or sermon, this is for you.

 Plus, tomorrow is also the "Sabbath Day" for those of us who follow the 4th Commandment  of "keeping the Sabbath Holy on Sunday of each week.

I came across this message on the Internet at YouTube. Not only is it one the best Christmas sermons I've heard, it's one of the best sermons I've ever heard!  

So, here it is for you now:

"Good News is Great News": Christmas Message by Mark Spence, from the ministry of Living Waters Ministries, as you turn your mind and heart towards Jesus. 

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas that will linger and cling to you throughout the year of 2016.

(Watch this video here or follow one of the Links provided.)

Turning Our Hearts & Minds Towards Jesus

~~ Love Laura-Lee

December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas (2015) Love Laura-Lee

During the writing of the "Church Lady P.I." Mystery I felt such an urgency to "get it done." And since it is done there didn't seem any reason to hold it back from you. Time seems so fleeting to me now.

So it's completely finished. It turned out much better than I hoped and beyond my humble writing abilities, which is a sure sign Jesus was involved. I offer it to you Free & as a Gift. Which is the actual definition of "Grace". 

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. But more importantly, I hope every day afterwards is also equally (or more) wonderful. Our God never changes and it is my deepest hope, desire and prayer that you come to know Him intimately and passionately.

From Stable to Throne, Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords.

Love Always, Laura-Lee

"There was only ONE Baby in the Womb that was Meant to Die"
    ~  Laura-Lee Rahn

FINALLY FINISHED: Begin the "Church Lady P.I. Mystery"

December 19, 2015

Final "Resting Day" Before Christmas

Here comes the final Sunday Sabbath day before Christmas and I've never looked into faces of people who need rest more than all the people I see racing around right now. As a group, I doubt there is a busier one than "Christians at Christmas". It's like a vicious, Christian Christmas Catch-22 Situation. We run ourselves ragged ... to prove we have the "peace of Christ". How ridiculous! 

And certainly NOT what Jesus had envisioned for the world when He came into it as a tiny baby. 

Then when He later spoke the words:

"Come to me all who are weary and I will give you REST."  Matthew 11:28

Do you ever actually stop and really hear   the words we are singing in all those wonderful Christmas carols we sing each year?

God REST ye Merry Gentlemen

SILENT night, all is CALM, ...

... a WEARY world rejoices ...

So pause this weekend and start turning your hearts towards Jesus.  Whatever you feel you have to and need to get done tomorrow will wait a day or, most likely, will not need to be done at all.

So this Christmas that's what I pray for you. That you find your Soul's rest. Which cannot exist apart from Jesus. And I am so deeply grateful I don't have to wait for Christmas to know that. (But I did have to learn all this the hard way. Through weakness.)

Right now, my cat wants to play with me. So I'm "outta here".

With Love, Laura-Lee

"Let's pray, Let's play
Let's have a wonderful Sabbath Day." 

 - I just made that up. Do I have a future as a rap-singer?

P.S. And if you don't know by now, the "CHURCH LADY P.I. Mystery" is completely and running at the "Master's PEACE Theatre" Blog. Hope you like it.

December 18, 2015

Mrs. Long

This is a Follow up/Companion Post to Learning to Read but Losing Your Soul: Grade One

For those of you who just finished reading the Post "FINALLY FINISHED: Church Lady P.I." (also at this blog), it probably comes as no surprise to you (especially if you're a parent) what it has taken me all these years to figure out. 
When I confessed my lies to Mrs. Long, she knew what I was going to say before I even opened my mouth. 

 I always wondered why Mom and her had such a great love for each other since they had never even met. Of course, there is no way Mom would have not called Mrs. Long and told her all that was going on before I ever got to school on that Monday morning so long ago now. It bonded their relationship and before we moved away Mom bought Mrs. Long a present for her "prayer corner".

In Mrs. Long's classroom there was a table that had a crucifix on the wall and (if I remember) a picture of Jesus and statue of Mary and"Baby" Jesus. This was the place the consistently naughty children went in order to take time to be alone with the Lord and consider their actions. I look back and think this was brilliance. The Christian version and fore-runner of a "time out".
Mrs. Long made sure that this was kept separate from any punishment. It truly was about each child considering their actions and examining their consciences before the Lord. So before we moved away (even before Christmas came), Mom bought some special, holy  bees wax candles (very difficult to get in that tiny, northern, Canadian town) and some pretty candle holders. 

I was given a special gift from Mrs. Long "to remember the class with".  A brand new book. I was standing there in front of the class, and saying "good-bye" (and terrified, of course), but I was hesitating and looking like I wanted to say something. So when Mrs. Long asked me, "Was their something you wanted say, Laura-Lee?" I simply asked, "Can I keep my Reader?"
I have that first book I ever read to this day.

What's amazing as I sit here and remember Mrs. Long is how much she and the Church Lady P.I. are actually alike. Perhaps that's what attracted me to Mai. The way she refers to "my" Marc is the same way Mrs. Long would refer to her husband as, "my Jim."
Even the humorous nature of their names is similar. However, the Church Lady P.I. was born "Mai Breeze" and Mrs. Long got hers the day she married and officially became, "Beatrice Long".  She remained "Bea Long" for entire life long (and "long" life - pun intended too) until she "moved Home" to finally be reunited with every member of her family. I suppose I am her legacy too. 

I never saw her face again after we moved away, but we spoke on the phone often and exchanged many, many letters through more than 3 decades. She was no slouch of a writer herself. After she retired she took up poetry writing and was published many times for her award winning poems.

That's why I felt she at least deserved a blog post here all to herself and have included one of her poems. I'll most definitely be publishing more of them as time goes on.

But for now, I present to you my beloved first grade teacher, Mrs. Bea Long, and her poem, "Gratitude".


Lord, Thank you for my soul's expansion
As you taught me how to wait
For a treasured dream's fruition
And hopes fulfilled not soon, not late

For Thy gentle, soothing solace
When life's skies turned dark with grief
For the wisdom gleaned through sorrow
Faith, that strengthened my belief.

Thank you the rainbow's promise
Ribboning the storm swept skies
For the melody of bird song ---
And the way an eagle flies

Thanks for Spring's elusive caper
And for Summer's sunny dance
For the golden glow of Autumn
Winter's harsh and frigid glance.

Thank you for life's sun and shadow
Ecstasy and stabbing pain
For Thy love which never fails me ----
Helping me to rise again.

 ~~~ Beatrice Long



I have finally finished the story I started two years ago called, "Church Lady P.I." There were times I didn't know if I would be capable of writing another word. Emotionally (due to my grief) and physically (due to my paralysis). So to have this story completed is nothing less than a miracle. 
I've done the best I can at this place and time, but if I have done it for myself, then what am I?

I offer this story to Jesus as an offering of Praise for Him to use as He sees fit.

I offer this story to you so that you will know how deep and true and faithful God is and that nothing   "shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:39

And even though it is ultimately given to God for his Glory, I also wish to dedicate it to 
Lena McNeil, Sue Patchett and (fellow writer) Werner Lind for their continuing encouragement to finish it, without putting any pressure on me to do it.

Jesus used each of these people to remind me that even in my weakness and brokenness I might some day have something worthwhile to offer again. (Is there any better definition of "friendship" than that?)

And to my precious Mother, Best Friend and Sister in Christ who is part of everything I am ... "at His feet, Mom. At His feet."

Laura-Lee ... Was Here

And, finally, to those in this story who had to wait years for their moments to shine. It is here at last. 
Now, I'm sending you all back to the "Updated" introduction of:

Master's Peace Theatre: CHURCH LADY P.I. Introduction

Mrs. Long

December 14, 2015

Creative Evangelism: Where's my GLUE Gun?

I've been part of "Christendom" or "The Church" or the "Body of Christ" or the "Family of God" (or whatever other label you wish to put on it) for a  long time. Almost 4 decades now. And it's been a long time since I've felt that I want to give a "well done" and promote a Ministry. But I've discovered a Ministry that I really like. They seem to have "Laura-Lee's Big Three" going on.

"What are 'Laura-Lee's Big Three' ?" I just know  you're asking!

  • Zeal for the "Lost"
  • Fervency in Prayer
  • Love for God's Word

  • Weird and silly sense of humor (Yes. I know that makes Four. That's the joke. Plus, four doesn't rhyme with "Lee") 
But in the case of the ministry I'm referring to, they actually  are funny.

I came across them a little over a month ago when I was at YouTube seeing if they had the complete movie of,  "Operation, Burma",  which is an old Errol Flynn film  (say that 10 times fast). When I put in the Search bar the words "Full Movie", I got sent to the YouTube Channel for "Living Waters" which has made several full movies and posted them on YouTube - among many other things they do.
There is so much that Living Waters does, so I have included Links  (see also the bottom of this post) so you can go and discover them for yourself.

 But what they truly excel at (in my humble opinion) is the tracts they create. Everything from optical illusions,  to scratch & sniff peppermint (for Christmas), to making one of their tracts look like a wallet. You distribute it by leaving it behind somewhere or throwing it on the floor. (I've heard that some people go to where there are a lot of pick-pockets and leave these "wallets" hanging out of their pockets to be 'stolen' by someone. Someone who obviously needs to hear about Jesus).

But there is something about Living Waters that inspires me to be more creative too. No doubt when they design their tracts (besides making sure they are Biblically accurate), they want to make sure these tracts aren't just immediately thrown into the garbage, which is what most people do when handed a piece of paper they don't want, from someone they don't know.

From now on I'm ordering my tracts from Living Waters, BUT I was trying to think of what to do with the ones I already have. Then I thought of Greeting Cards. 

The "greeting-card-people" came across a huge discovery several years ago: if you stick a bow on a card it goes up in value. From a ridiculous $3.99 to a mind-blowing $8.99.

So this whole, big, long story is just to tell you that's my idea. Take a tract and stick or (even better) tie a piece of ribbon on it. Make it different colored ribbon. Make it personal to the person who will receive it. 
And when you hand it to someone the response you usually get is a smile and words like: "Thank you", "Isn't this nice", and sometimes even, "Can I have another one?"
I guarantee you've just "upped" the chance of it getting brought home and read or at the very least not immediately thrown away. But, if someone does throw it away, the likelihood of it being noticed and RETRIEVED increases exponentially if it's got a pretty bow on it. 
(Remember: it's not suppose to look like it's made by a machine. So if you are all thumbs, like me, that's okay.)

And during the 60 seconds it takes for you to poke a hole and tie the bow on the tract, say a prayer for the person who will receive it. Pray for them to be receptive to the message they are about to read and their heart warm and open to their Heavenly Father, who loves them so much He sent His only Son to die for them.

It's the simple things that make a huge difference in God's Kingdom. I am living proof of that.

Remember to follow the Links below to Living Waters Ministries.

Love Laura-Lee

How-to Tie a Simple Bow
(make two loops and make a knot with them)
There's always a trip to YouTube to see someone DO IT

P.S. I never did find that old Errol Flynn movie, but I've watched almost everything Living Waters has made (and that's a lot).

Living Waters (direct link to TRACT Page)

December 12, 2015

Sabbath in December - "Relax People"

Here comes the Sabbath so I'll be shutting down and "unplugging" as usual and turning more of my attention on Jesus, like I long to do more often (but Life does intrude a lot, doesn't it?) 

I had to go grocery shopping this evening and it is so busy "out there in the world" that not only could I NOT get through to a taxi service, the entire Telus cellular network was down. That's because it's Christmas and everyone is racing around like maniacs. I forget from year to year until December hits again and the cell network "bails out" again.

No wonder God actually had to COMMAND us to take a day of rest! Proof again that He cares more about us than we even care for ourselves. 

Praise Jesus for His longsuffering and great love.

Sincerely, Laura-Lee

(and here's your dose of the "Reverend" for the week)

(For more from Reverend Fun - follow the link below)

December 11, 2015

Happy Birthday, Lena

Lena, Lena
What a "sweet ol' gal"
Though her hair may be smaller now.
Her heart is bigger in every way
And I'm extra grateful for her today.

Love Always, Laura-Lee

 (have a great week-end celebrating) 
Can you find the second kitty ?

"You Like Me. You REALLY Like Me!"

Chart - World Map of Who Reads "Laura-Lee Was Here"

The Chart above amazes me!

 For those of you who don't know what you're looking at, this is part of my "Statistics Page", which I study with great interest. The statistics show me everything from who is reading my blogs to what Posts they read the most, to even what Internet Browser and Search Engines send over the most people. 
But this Chart gives a general idea of where in the world the readers come from. The darker green the country means the more people.
This chart doesn't show the percentage of people, just "raw" numbers, so it's usually always the United States first, followed by Canada. That's no big surprise.  
There are so many people in the United States that they are always the "greenest" country, even though by percentages it would probably be just a tiny fraction of 1% of Americans who come by.

As for Canadians, we have so many fewer people (I know I said that wrong), that there will always be fewer readers from here, even though the percentage of Canadians reading is probably much higher than Americans. 

But look at this Chart again. The greenest country is Russia! And that's the first time that's ever happened. Ever. They have a much smaller population than America but still they sent over the most people in the entire world to come and read what I wrote.
I would expect that English speaking countries like the UK or Australia would be sending more people over, but they are usually a very, very light green, or have no color at all.

But over the past months I've watched Russia grow darker green until this week when it showed the majority of my readers come from Russia. 
I feel both flattered and humbled by this and a little bit nervous too. 
I'm afraid that to the Russian people (and especially to the Russian "Church") I may sound like a whiny and spoiled Christian, complaining about how "rough" my life is when it's probably "easy street" here in North America compared to the daily hardships faced by my Brothers and Sisters in Russia.

 I view my blog as if I've invited several people over for a "special supper".  Good food, good people and good conversation.

 My family members are the Canadians. my close friends are the Americans and the Russians are my honored guests that I admire. All of you have a place at the table, but for different reasons. 

Now it's on me to serve up a tasty and nutritious meal and to make sure everyone is relaxed, enjoying themselves and feeling safe and accepted so that the conversation can flow freely. 
While always being aware that by serving other people, I am actually serving the Lord, who loves each of you so much. 

But whoever you are and whatever your reason for stopping by, I'm so pleased you came. 
Now pick up those plates, because you're going to be helping me  "do the dishes". 
But don't let that worry you. Some of the best times I've ever had have been during the cleaning up in the kitchen afterwards. That's where the real action is. 

Love Laura-Lee  

December 10, 2015

WARNING: "Amazon" Order/Shipment SCAM


Got an interesting message in my email INBOX in regards to an "UPDATE: Re: Order", informing me of a delay in my Amazon order due to the fact they needed to "verify" some  information. Before finishing the process of my order, I simply had to click on the Link (they provided within the email), login to my Amazon account and provide my current shipping address.


I did go there, looked around and added a couple things to my "Wishlist". But didn't order anything.

I also received a similar message from the "Zazzle" website, but I didn't order anything with them either. I just did a lot of looking and "wishlist"-ing.

Obviously the "Scammers" are out in FULL force, trying to take advantage of all the extra online shopping we're doing at Christmas time.

Here's a few things to do to protect yourself:

  • Make sure you know who you've ordered from - keep track of every item and website you've purchased from.

  • When you're finished at a website, LOG OUT if you're registered with them. 

  • ** When clicking on a LINK, watch the URL (or Address) BAR at the top of the page. The website you ordered from should be the first words you see. 
For Example: If the word "Amazon" is way down the sentence, it's not actually "Amazon". The website name will be up at the beginning of the line. The Link below is to Amazon's page about giving a gift card. Notice that in the URL (address) Bar to the Canadian Amazon store the first thing you see is "", even though it's a big, long link. 
If some link from an email does not have it that way,  then it isn't  from them.

Hope this information helps. Be safe. 
And please take NOTE: 
I take a size 8 (or a size 10 or "large" size - if  you wish to be safe that it fits). 

Love Always, Laura-Lee

December 05, 2015

Happy Hanukkah & Blessed Sabbath Day of Rest


Tomorrow is my Sabbath Sunday rest, but it is also the first day of  the Jewish Holiday of Hanukkah, which will begin tomorrow (December 6) at nightfall (or 4:13 pm where I live).


I started celebrating Jewish Feast & Holy Days many years ago. I don't have to, but I want to. Especially once I learned that the Jewish Feasts described in the Bible are symbolic of something the Messiah did or will do. 
So, as we turn our eyes off of the world and onto the Lord, I encourage you to ponder the story behind Hanukkah. It's not in the Protestant Bible, but it continues to demonstrate that the Jewish people are the "apple of God's eye". 

Below you will find a short explanation of the holiday of Hanukkah from David Brickner published at "Jews for Jesus". (The Link to that site follows this article)

Without Hanukkah there would be no Christmas. Yet Hanukkah, also known as the Feast of Dedication" or the "Festival of Lights," is not among the holidays God commanded Israel to celebrate in the Old Testament. In fact, you will only find one mention of the holiday in the Bible: "Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter. And Jesus walked in the Temple, in Solomon's porch." (John 10:22-23)
Hanukkah commemorates events that took place during the inter-testamental period, that gap between the Old and New Testaments. The Jewish people were under foreign domination, ruled by the Syrian king Antiochus, who forced them to abandon their culture and religion. He made sure the Jewish people could not use the Temple to worship our God. He erected idols in the holy place—and worst of all, he sacrificed a pig on the altar.
The Jewish people were utterly defeated and demoralized—until a small band of guerilla soldiers known as the Maccabees rekindled their hope. Within three years, these warriors miraculously recaptured Jerusalem and the Temple.
Note that Hanukkah—which means dedication—was not named for the brave warriors. The real victory was being able to worship the God of Israel once again. 
A common Hebrew phrase connected with Hanukkah is "nes gadol haya sham," which means, "A great miracle happened there." Two miracles plus a common theme link Hanukkah and Christmas in a way I hope will heighten your appreciation of both.
The first miracle is the preservation of the Jewish people. Had Antiochus been successful, Israel would have lost her unique identity and God's precious promises would be unkept. If Antiochus had gotten his way, there would have been no recognizable Jewish culture for Messiah to be born into. Without Hanukkah, there would have been no Christmas.
Whenever you are tempted to doubt God's saving power in your life, remember the miracle of His saving power as seen through Hanukkah, and how the small band of soldiers prevailed despite all odds. The way God preserved His people Israel reflects the way He continues keeping all of us, Jews and Gentiles, who trust in Him today.
The second miracle associated with Hanukkah is the miracle of light, a tradition first mentioned in the Talmud—written hundreds of years after the events. According to this tradition, the menorah—the seven-branched candelabra that was to burn continually in the Temple—had been extinguished by Antiochus' henchmen. When the Maccabees recaptured the Temple they cleansed it and searched for fresh oil to rekindle the sacred flame. But they discovered only enough to last one day—and it would take eight full days to procure fresh oil. According to tradition, in their zeal to rededicate the Temple they used what oil they had to rekindle the flame—and miraculously, it lasted for eight whole days.
According to this tradition, that is why we celebrate Hanukkah for eight nights, and why we use a special Hanukkiah, or nine-branched candelabra. The shamash or "servant" candle is lit first, and in turn it lights all the other candles, beginning with one candle on the first night. Each night, another candle is lit, until the eighth night, when the entire Hanukkiah is aglow.
The book of Maccabees gives another explanation for why Hanukkah lasts eight days. The people rededicated the Temple during the Feast of Tabernacles (an eight-day holiday which would have been observed the previous month had the Syrians not occupied the Temple). King Solomon chose to dedicate the Temple during the Feast of Tabernacles (2 Chronicles 6 and 7) so it makes sense that the people would wish to do the same.
So the miracle of preservation made Christmas possible, and the miracle of the light reminds us of Jesus, whose advent the prophets predicted would be, "a light to the Gentiles" whose salvation would reach "to the ends of the earth" (Isaiah 49:6).
Finally, the common theme that links Hanukkah and Christmas is that of God with us—Immanuel. A traditional Hanukkah hymn declares to God: "Rock of Ages, let our song praise thy saving power; thou admidst the raging foes wast our sheltering tower; furious they assailed us but thine arm availed us; and thy word broke their sword when our own strength failed us."
The prophet Isaiah predicted the Messiah would be known: "Behold the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel" (Isaiah 7:14).

Angel Gabriel visits Mary 
(tells her she's going to have Jesus)

How poignant it is that Jesus chose the Festival of Dedication to stand in the Temple, in the portico of Solomon, and declare, "I and my Father are one" (John 10:30). Is it coincidence that Jesus chose this time and place to reveal His deity?
Because Jesus is Immanuel, God with us, that He could sacrifice Himself as an atonement for our sin. He was born to die and rise victorious, born to light our way and make us to be lights, born to be adored by Jews and Gentiles who will bow and worship the One who is the hope of Hanukkah and the Christ of Christmas. These two holidays share their ultimate significance in the person of Y'shua (Jesus) the Messiah. 
He truly is our Rock of Ages.
by David Brickner 

November 21, 2015



**All sorts of new things being added to my PERSONAL Blog:

  •  You can be notified by EMAIL when I add a NEW POST

  • BIG FEEDBACK FORM (at the Bottom of the Page). You can't miss it. It requires a NAME (but you can make one up) and an EMAIL address (that will have to be real) and then submit your message.It's that simple. 
It will come straight to my PRIVATE email INBOX. (What could be easier) ?

  • Of course there's the NEW Shout/ Chat Box here. Play with the buttons & see how it works. If you click on the "Option" button, the Chat Box will Pop open to a BIGGER screen, so that it's not so small. It can do other things too. Don't be afraid to test it. (There is also a button to "Delete" and/or "Edit" anything you write.)

  • And don't forget the CHRISTMAS SONGS (2015) Playlist/ Slidebar. It's very easy to hit the PLAY button then PAUSE it, or SKIP to Next Song. Go for it. Enjoy the music. It's 16 of my Favorite Christmas Songs. From Traditional Carols to Toe Tapping songs to a few Unique ones I've discovered.


  • I'm also thinking of adding "other" things, but I'm not sure what yet. So you'll have to stop back around.

  • And at the bottom of each individual post you can always click on the COMMENT button. Or one of the SHARE icons to spread the post around (if you feel it's worthy of that).
  • And of course HOVER over things. If the words change color OR your little pointer turns into a HAND, it means it's a LINK or it DOES something. As I told my cousin, Lena, this week, "The Cold War is over. Don't be afraid to push a few buttons."

As always you are "WELCOME" here. Just the way you are.

Love Laura-Lee (Was Here)

November 20, 2015

Saying "Hello" After my Busy Week ALIVE at National Bible Bee

Since I've been spending most of my time this week at my other blog, The Bible and The Biz, being part of the National Bible Bee's LIVE WEBCASTS, I haven't been able to be here since I don't possess the qualities of the Lord (namely being able to be in more than one place at a time).

But I still wanted to take a moment to say "hello" to my faithful friends who stop by here and say "thanks" to those who followed me over to my "Entertainment" blog to help make the promotion and participation of my first live event (The Bible Bee) a wonderful experience. It's been quite a week jumping between Twitter, Facebook, Google+, my Email and of course the Live Webcasts and the folks from the National Bible Bee themselves.

In a few minutes the LIVE WEBCAST  of the Closing Ceremonies of the National Bible Bee will begin (6:00 PM  CST). It's been so exciting and encouraging to see and hear the Bible quoted and cherished by so many people. Especially young people.

So, as the Sunday Sabbath (and my Technology Fast - which I deeply need this week) comes in another day, I want to pass on my hopeful feelings to you. God is most definitely not only in control but moving as well. I've seen evidence of him so often in just the past couple days ... how could I tell it all?

So I wish you a good weekend, let you know my prayers for you (my faithful friends and readers) are continuing, thank you for stopping by and reading what I write, telling you "you're always welcome here" and reminding you to leave a comment (I LOVE them so much).

 I hope this will be just the beginning (and training) of more Live Events to take place here, at my personal blog too

Turn your hearts towards rest and Jesus as we head to the weekend and the Sabbath (whichever day that is for you).

Love Always, Laura-Lee (Was Here)

Follow the Link Below if you wish to see what I've been up to this week.

The Bible and The Biz (Entertainment with Biblical View)

Oh. And here's your Reverend Fun cartoon of the week:

Reverend Fun Website Link

November 19, 2015

National Bible Bee LIVE BROADCAST HQ at The Bible & the Biz Blog


For the next two days (November 19 - 20) visit my blog, The Bible & The Biz for all things to do with the National Bible Bee. 

Including the LIVE WEBCAST Broadcasts, Schedules, Links, Background Info (and of course) my comments and stories.

The Bible and The Biz your National Bible Bee HQ for 2015

November 14, 2015

Sunday Sabbath Day of Rest - even from Fear

As most of you know by now, I shut down my computer as part of my "Technology Fast" for the Sunday Sabbath.

Of course, Paris and France are foremost on my mind and will be for quite some time.

But here is another Reverend Fun cartoon as we start to turn our thoughts toward the Lord after a difficult week and definitely a couple of very difficult days.

Rest people. Rest. The living God is always near.

Love Laura-Lee

King DAVID (as a teenager) kills the giant, GOLIATH with only his sling shot and a stone. 
Story found in the Bible (1 Samuel, chapter 17)

Follow the LINK below for more Reverend Fun Cartoons.

November 13, 2015

France Killings : No Surprise to God

I pray very early in my day. Usually between 4:00 am - 6:00 am (MT in North America). When I'm not praying for myself (which is at least 75 % of the time), I'm praying for people I know. People I have contact with. But this morning my prayers seemed to be all over the place.

I started by praying for those I know who are suffering and deeply grieving. Mentioning each by name.
Then my prayers turned to these things, (seemingly jumping randomly from topic to topic):

* People everywhere who are grieving. Thinking about what a horrible thing grief is.

* For the relief of a world so filled with hate and fear.

* All the turmoil in Israel.

* For the Prime Minister of Canada. (I rarely pray for politicians) But I was thinking how troubled the world is now. Even more so then when his father was our Prime Minister. And that Justin Trudeau is himself no stranger to grief.

* For the people who read this blog.
    -That you would each have a good day & feel Jesus near
    -Wondering if the new Shout box would be adequate and if it would motivate you to talk with each other.
    - this blog should be translated into other languages. Especially French & Russian. French, because Canada is Bi-lingual and I should acknowledge that and Russian because I get a lot of "traffic" from Russia (although I don't know why). 

* This Bible verse jumped into my mind:  "No weapon forged against you will prosper." 

* That today is "Friday the 13th".  

That's when I suddenly thought, "Wait! Hold up! What's does that have to do with anything? That's just an ignorant superstition. Friday the 13th means nothing  to God."

Even though it means nothing to God, I felt He was telling me that Satan would be using that "superstition" to spread some extra fear today. Just as he uses Halloween for some extra "mischief".

* I prayed for any and all who might fall prey to Satan's schemes today.
* I prayed for those who would be watching the "Friday the 13th" Horror movies tonight because of today's date.

My prayers jumped around until I opened my Bible to Revelation, chapter 4.
That Scripture speaks about the "Throne of Heaven". What it looks like, what happens there, Who sits there, who is around it, who worships there, what they say.

Early this morning my prayers seemed strange & disjointed. But now, 16 hours later, after I see what this day has brought, to Paris, to our Prime Minister, to the world, to me,  I see they are not disjointed at all.  

Even the post I wrote a few days ago where I used several "OMNI" words as I spoke of God's character: 


These things are shown to be very relevant as a "state of Emergency" is declared in France, and Parisians are told to stay in their homes. Probably with their doors tightly locked. When more than 100 families will have to face their own grief. When politicians around the world will have to discover the truth and decide on a response.
As the rest of us ask the questions:
Will there ever be peace on the earth? Where can I go to truly be safe? Will I always live with fear?

Jesus came to us as a baby in a stable, but angels appeared to several people to herald His coming.

To the father of John the Baptist: "Do not be afraid Zechariah. Your prayer has been heard"   (Luke 1:13)

To Mary: "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God."   (Luke 1:30)

To Joseph: "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife."   (Matthew 1:20)

To Shepherds in a field near Bethlehem: "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you."   
  (Luke 2:10-11)

To King David: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;"  
  (Psalm 23:4)

To me, in the inner cover of my first Bible, at 9 years old:
"Perfect love casts out fear."    (1 John 4:18)

To me today (40 years later!):
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will help you with my righteous right hand."    (Isaiah 41:10)

I'm not more holy or special to God than anyone else. Neither are those people in the Bible. So what is Jesus saying to you right now? Have you asked Him to speak to you? Have you stopped to listen for His voice?

ALL Places
ALL Knowing
ALL Powerful

ALL Loving

My prayers are with you France and to all who have felt fear this day.

 ~~ Love Laura-Lee 

Former Post "Our Word of the Day is OMNI"

November 11, 2015

Christmas Songs, SHOE BOXES & Shout Boxes



~~~~  My Laura-Lee Was Here  Christmas Songs Play List (2015) has been posted after a 2 year absence. It is at the very bottom of the page, with our new Chat - Shout Box. That way you have the option to listen to great Christmas music as you Chat to the other people at this blog, or perhaps even to me. "WOW!" 

I put 16 songs in this Play List from dance to traditional. But all are excellent and you will find yourself enjoying them long after Christmas is over for everyone else.
(The Christmas Songs Play List (2015) is also at my other blog, "The Bible and the Biz")

SAMARITAN'S PURSE:  Operation Christmas Child (OCC)

Christmas Shoe Box Collection Week
NOVEMBER 16 - 22

I've always loved the idea of having a PARTY surrounding the Christmas Shoebox.  

It works especially well for Canadians. Americans have Thanksgiving that begins their Christmas  Season, but in Canada we have Thanksgiving back in October. 
So it's a wonderful idea to invite friends and family over to have some cookies and hot chocolate and everyone fills a Shoe Box for a Child who is truly poor, while you listen to great Christmas music.

 It's simple, fun and gets your mind and heart in a good place for the Christmas season. Not only do you create good memories but it alters your perceptions, priorities (and spending), when you fill the Shoe Box with precious things, like a Toothbrush, for a boy or girl who has never owned one before. 

As a Christian, the idea that this may be the first time a child and their family will hear the story of how Jesus was born in that Bethlehem stable as they celebrate their very first Christmas is actually quite thrilling.

As an annual FAMILY Tradition, it's a great idea too. Nobody can get into the Spirit of filling a Shoe Box for a Child like another Child can.
And of course, Churches and Businesses also get together to participate. 

But it's such a wonderful idea and it has grown so much the best thing I can do is give you the LINKS (see below) and let you follow them to whichever site you need.

I deeply hope (and pray) that if you haven't done this yet, you won't let another year go by without getting involved. I've probably made it sound much more complicated then it actually is.

But once you've filled a Shoe Box, you are hooked on the idea forever. 

It reminds you that:

1) there are people who are really poor in this world, 
2) we are very fortunate in our free and easy western society 
3) it unites you to the people you're filling the Shoe Boxes with 
4) it gets you focused off yourself for a while 
5) makes you grateful for what you have
6) gets you into the Christmas Spirit
7) reminds us it's "more blessed to give than to receive"  and on and on it goes ...

Next week is Shoe Box Collection week.
It's actually such a simple and fun  thing to participate in.

Here's the basics:

  • Get a Shoe box  (it doesn't even have to be their official Shoe Box - any box about that size is fine.)
  • Pick Boy or Girl and the age group 
  • Print out (or pick out) whatever forms you need or want
  • Stuff the box with the appropriate things (they list suggestions of what to give on the websites and in their brochure)
  • Don't seal the box 
  • Attach the label for whatever age & gender of child you picked
  • insert into the box the envelope with the donation you need to include (usually $7 for shipping fee)
  • Bring the Box in to wherever is the nearest collection site (also listed at the websites)
  • Feel Good

Besides having all this above information at these websites, they also have several ideas that I have personally done, like sending a family photo so the child opening the box can relate to the people or person sending it.
For children here, there's actually a form they can fill out that includes their likes and dislikes, hobbies, a place for their school photo, a globe to color & show where in the world we live, etc, etc.

They have made videos of the kids opening their Shoe Boxes in previous Christmases and if those videos don't convince you and stick a big, dumb grin on your face, nothing will. Here's a few photos to get you started.

Enjoy! And with much love,

P.S. If you are reading this and it's past collection week, don't worry. You can fill a "virtual" Shoe Box by picking specific items online, pay for it there and a box will be filled for whichever child you picked and with the items you chose.

Samaritan's Purse is the umbrella organization and Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is the official name of the Shoe Box people. Now it's a global organization, so make sure you're heading to the correct websites.

* I've included both the American and Canadian ones here too.

 ~~ Love Always, Laura-Lee (Was Here)