Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

September 25, 2012

I'VE BEEN HACKED Delete & Report "Me"

I've been hacked and I'm not happy

I have just deleted all my Windows Live Accounts and Deactivated all my HOTMAIL accounts.

DELETE IMMEDIATELY anything that appears to be from me that ends with "hotmail".

Especially delete anything that seems to come from &


Even though I've cancelled the accounts, the Hackers can still access them.

Put up BLOCKS (with your email programs) and REPORT any and all abuse to Window Live/ MicroSoft.


If you receive something from these accounts, &

Forward them to the email listed below as evidence of the Hack. And delete the rest. they will NOT be from me. Don't open these emails. Just FORWARD them.

* Non-Windows Live Hotmail customers should address an email to, or (Depending on the originating mail domain: hotmail or msn or live). Attach a copy of the spam email to this email and send it. If we do not receive a copy of the email as an attachment our ability to take action against the spamming account is severely impacted.

* We ask for a full copy of the email so that we have conclusive evidence showing from which Windows Live Hotmail account the SPAM was sent. It is possible that the email address was spoofed, and we don't want to mistakenly close a non-spamming account.

My new email address is now:

Love Laura-Lee (& her Mom, Irene)

September 18, 2012

Absent Father vs. Invisible Father

After my father and mother got divorced when I was 9 years old, my father still had visitation rights every second weekend. I would sit with my little, green suitcase every Friday night and wait for him to show up. By about 10:00 PM I would take off my coat, take my suitcase back to my room, unpack and go to bed, feeling worthless. I would always make excuses for him in my mind.

“He had to work late.”

“He forgot this was his weekend.”

“He was away on a business trip and forgot to phone”

“He had a flat tire and was stuck on the side of a highway somewhere.”
Then when I was 10 years old my father (and his new family) moved within a 15 minute drive of where I lived. The first weekend that was set aside for his visitation came. I brought out my little, green suitcase, packed it as soon as I got home from school on Friday and from the time supper ended at 6:30 pm, I sat at the door to wait.

At 10:45 pm I picked up my suitcase and silently brought it back to my bedroom. I quietly got into my nightgown and slipped into bed. The time for excuses had passed. It was time for reality. He didn’t love me, he didn’t want me and if I was really honest with myself, I guess I knew he never had.

A little bit later, by the time I had cried my tears out, my mother slipped into my room.

 She softly asked, “Are you awake?”

I didn’t answer.

She asked, “Do you want to talk about it?”

I bolted up in bed and spat out loudly, “What is there to talk about?! He hates me. And I hate him too. So we are even! Good night.” and I flopped back onto my bed and pulled the covers over my head.

I felt Mom sit on the side of my bed. She was going to talk to me, because sometimes loving someone means you don’t leave them alone, even if they want to be.

She started with the truth.

 “ You don’t hate him. You love him. I know you love him because that’s why it hurts so much. But that’s okay. I love him too. In this life you will find many people will hurt you and they will be able to hurt you because you love them.
 Now you can become bitter and hateful and wall up your heart where no one can reach it and feel nothing but miserable. OR, you can let love in and take the risk of getting hurt. And when it hurts it will hurt bad. Really bad. But every once in a while, someone will love you back. Really love you. Just as you are. They will require nothing of you except that you allow them to love you. It won’t erase all the pain you’ve had, but it will allow you to overcome it.  Just like the way I love you now. And how I know you love me too. And all the love you and I have for each other I wouldn’t have missed for anything. It is worth more than anything the world can chuck at us.
 You can’t choose how people will treat you, you can only choose how you’ll treat them back. And it's also your choice what kind of person you want to be. Do you want to be the type of person who will love anybody no matter what they do to you? Or do you want to be the type of person who lets their little girl wait and wait without even caring about her feelings? The choice is yours, Angel.”

After that lovely speach there was a lot more crying, hugging, nose blowing. (You get the picture.) I went to bed knowing I was loved. But I was pretty sure my father had gone to bed that night not knowing he was loved. The tragedy of it, is that he could have known it. How many nights, how many years, how many decades did he not know he was loved?

What I didn’t realize myself until much later was how deeply Mom was preparing me for the world I would live in and all the suffering I would have to face. She was helping me find the strength to face it as the right kind of person. And she knew that I couldn’t completely close myself off to love or I wouldn’t be able to accept God’s love when I finally discovered it.

As I grew up, people used to say to me, "It must be hard to be without a father." But by then I had a Father. A greater kind of Father with a greater kind of love.  You know, just because God is invisible doesn't mean He’s unreal. He is called the "Living God" because He is! Living, warm, available, compassionate, tender, a refuge, a companion, someone to dry your tears, to protect you and to sacrifice whatever it takes so that you and He will never be apart. Even if the sacrifice means having to give up His only Son.

Interesting. I finally found someone worth waiting for and He has never kept me waiting. Always there when I need him. Answering my questions before they are even formed  in my mind. Supplying my needs before I have to do without.

“ Jesus replied,'If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.’ “
                    (John 14:23)
I became a Christian for one simple reason, I discovered a Father who would "show up". He showed up, moved in and the lonely days of waiting were over.

Is that something you want?

September 15, 2012

Love and Marriage (at 10 years old)

When I was 10 years old I fell in love for the first time. My older brother had a friend named, Brian Jolie and the three of us went everywhere together.
Since my brother and Brian were both 13 years old, neither one of them recognized me as a person, let alone a woman. I was simply ‘the kid sister”.

But one day I realized I was experiencing some conflicting feelings about Brian, so I went and had a talk with my Mom about it. I was straight forward and simply admitted to her, “Mom? I think if Brian kissed me, I wouldn’t throw up or anything.”

Yes. If I didn’t feel the need to vomit at the thought of being kissed by Brian, it was obviously the real thing. I was in love!
Of course, we all know that the next step after falling in love is getting married. The fact that I was only 10 years old never seemed to enter my brain at any point. I needed more information if I was going to choose a life long partner, so I sought out my mother again. I remember our conversation as if it had just taken place yesterday. Truth always does have a way of sounding fresh and new.
I asked her, “ Mom. How do you know who is the right person to marry?”

Thankfully, although my mother found what I was saying very cute, she took my question seriously and laid the foundation for my attitude towards boys and men ever since.

She responded:
“Every person has 3 parts to them: the physical part, which is their body; the part that is called the soul , which houses the heart and mind and the spiritual part. If you and the man you will marry are alike in the spiritual part and you both believe in God and love Jesus, then you will have a great marriage and the other 2 parts will fall into line.
BUT, if the two of you don’t believe in the same things about God, then it won’t matter how much your brains, hearts and physical parts match. You will have a miserable marriage.”

For the past 36 years since we had that talk I have had the opportunity to watch many, many couples dating and sometimes they make it all the way down the aisle. They may have a meeting of the minds and a great sex life, but if the two of them are not matched up when it comes to God, their marriage will probably never make it.

You know, it doesn’t matter how fast time moves or how extreme are the changing circumstances,  truth is truth and it cannot be altered, no matter what the situation. There is one thing none of us can run away from:  MOTHER IS ALWAYS RIGHT!! (at least she has been up until now).

Since I have never been married, people have often asked me if I  feel I “missed out” on not having a husband. Sometime I feel that way, but I was blessed to have come from a broken home. And boy was it broken! And through it I have learned one very basic truth: “The only thing worse than NOT being married, is being married to the WRONG man!”

September 10, 2012

Counting Down 30 Life Principles (1-5)

According to Dr. Charles Stanley, Pastor and Television Evangelist, there are "30 Life Principles". And since Dr. Stanley has lived quite a long time, I suspect that he knows a thing or two. He developed these 30 Principles in order to give us guidelines on how to get more intimate in our relationship with Jesus and get along better with each other. These are based on principles from the Bible , which is another reason I suspect they work. Because God has lived even longer than Dr. Stanley .
However, the first time I came across this list it was a bit overwhelming. And since I was over whelmed, I put it aside and didn't touch it again for almost two years.
Also, I am probably the most paranoid person on the planet and I accept nothing simply because someone tells me to. So if these principles are to be any good to me at all, I have to put them to the test ... myself. And in order to do that, I had to take just a few at a time.
So, I present to you, the first 5 of the "30 Life Principles" by Dr. Charles Stanley.  Read the first 5 and see if you think they have truth in them. Put them into action in your life and see if they work at all. If you're anything like me, you'll find all sorts of things can be encountered and discovered if you put faith into action. Because believing something isn't really anything until you are ready to live it out. Rubber meet road time.
(And if you wish to learn more about Dr. Charles Stanley and the ministry he created, follow the link to "In Touch Ministries" below).

1) Our intimacy with God – His highest priority for our lives – determines the impact of our lives.

2) Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him.

3) God’s Word is an immovable anchor in times of storm.

4) The awareness of God’s presence energizes us for our work.

5) God does not require us to understand His will, just obey it, even if it seems unreasonable.

** Try and apply these to your life by not being afraid to expect God to act according to his character and promises. If you take just one of these principles as a fact and live according to that fact, you will see God amaze you, just by showing up. L-L

In Touch Ministries with Charles Stanley



September 07, 2012


***NOTE: What follows is a story I wrote over at as a comment on a review of C.S. Lewis' "Out of the Silent Planet" and I thought I would post it on my appropriate Blogs:

"I read [Out of the Silent Planet] in high school (Vancouver Christian Secondary School) and it was also assigned to 8 other people in my class. Besides the 8 of us, the other kids in our class got other books to read. But all of us who read the books had to act out a scene from our respective books.

Now, keep this in mind: The other kids in our class haven't read our book and they don't know ANYTHING about it. PLUS, it takes place on another planet. So how do we act out a scene from a Sci-Fi, inter-planetary story in the front of a tiny classroom ... in 10 minutes or less?

We picked the scene (possible spoiler coming up) where one dude is taken off and tortured by water. We did this because we had a sink in the cloakroom of our class (it had formerly been an old elementary school) and I got the bright idea that we should wet down someone off stage. Guess who got picked. Yup. Me! I kept saying. "But, but, but ... I'm a girl. And the character is a man". (nice excuse eh?) But I had this big perm (it was the 1980's) and hair like Bon Jovi and I thought, "If I've got to do it, I'm going to GO FOR IT!
 At the appropriate time I was dragged off stage, into the cloak room and I stuck my head in the sink and drenched it. Then I started yelling at the top of my lungs (I was supposed to be being tortured and I was "in character").  My yelling sort of surprised the other kids in the class who were watching our scene and had just seen me go off into the cloakroom without knowing why. And because of the fuss I was making off stage, the other 8 kids who were in the scene had stopped acting altogether. They kept trying to see what was happening to me in the cloakroom, so they had stopped saying their lines completely.  I whispered to them loudly, "I'm okay. Keep going. Say your lines or I can't come back on stage."

 They'd start up their lines again and I'd start yelling again! Every time I yelled (I'm being tortured, remember) everyone would gasp and stop what they were doing. I'd whisper again, "Don't stop. Keep acting or I'll never be able to finish this. I'm waiting for my cue so I can come back on stage!"

So I'm yelling, laughing, and the two guys who were portraying the aliens that had dragged me to my torture were afraid to even come near me. It all seemed so ridiculous that I started laughing even more.

 Suddenly, I hear the Principal of the school walk into the room. He had heard the screaming and had come to investigate.
By that time I'd been threatening the other 8 kids to keep going so much, that they kept saying their lines no matter what. Not stopping for anything. FINALLY, I realized that my cue was coming up, but  my hair was almost dry. So I took one more massive dunk into the water and the two "Aliens" dragged me back on stage ... unconscious.

 When I got back on stage my head was hanging down (and dripping profusely) and I was "unconscious". Dead weight. They had to half carry me back on stage.
Once there, I was suppose to groggily come back to consciousness, look up and say the line, "I can't believe you betrayed me like this, Ransom!" - Which I did.

Between being soaking wet, yelling at the top of my lungs and saying the line with a lot of feeling, the kid playing Ransom (poor Cameron Walker) must have thought I was serious because he  quickly responded, "No I didn't, Laura-Lee. I would never betray you!"

By that time the scene was pretty much lost and we didn't know what to do or how to finish and I thought to myself, "this just didn't work out the way it was suppose to".
 But the mischievous side of me came out again when I realized my big Bon Jovi hair was still drenched and dripping all over the floor. I decided to shake  my head just like a dog shakes after a bath and I covered EVERYONE with water: The kids in the scene, the kids watching, my teacher standing nearby and the principal looking in. They all let out one massive scream when they got hit with the water and curiosity finally got the best of the kids from the other classes and they came to investigate all the yelling and screaming.

Isn't literature wonderful?!!

Ransom Meets a Hross (Alien)

Link to Blog : Artists' Renditions of Aliens from "Out of the Silent Planet"


Girl (Thank God it’s) Friday

In honour of the upcoming weekend I would like to tell you a little story, Children.
In the Category of: “ ‘I Can’t Believe I was That Stupid’ for 500, please Alex.”

Let us flash back to the 1980’s (which is one of my favourite things to do).

I was out of work and broke. I was living with two other people and the rent coming due extremely quickly. I hadn’t been out of work for more than a couple of days when I got back at finding a job and I tackled the task with a vengeance.
*Grabbed the newspaper at 6:30 am EVERY morning.
*On the phone scouting companies by 8:30 am (when most businesses open).
*Had a stack of my resumes in the mailbox by 9:00 am.
*Spending my afternoons on my feet hand delivering more resumes.
You get the picture. Not just the whole nine yards but more like the entire football field.

It was a couple of weeks later and even though I had been on several interviews, there just didn’t seem to be a job that “fit” me. I was seeking work in an office environment and I could do just about anything and everything: Reception, typing, bookkeeping, switchboard, invoicing, organizing, filing, and even coffee making. If it was in an office, I was ready to put my hand to it. Yet, I just couldn’t seem to find a position that would utilize ALL my skills. Every office that I applied to seem to want an expert in one specific area, but not someone who could do several things competently.

By then I had used up my savings to pay my share of the rent that had just passed, but knew I had better start earning some money fast if I wanted to have another pay check by the end of the next month.

I was going through a Saturday paper and my mother was sitting nearby. I was looking through the paper but because it was the weekend I had no plans to go out. I was flipping through the Classifieds (which was the main way a person found a job back before we had computers) and discussing with my mother my lack of success in finding a job. Telling her many of the things I am telling you now. Simply put, I had never been in a position where someone didn’t “snap me up” to work for them.
Mom came and looked over my shoulder and noticed that I had circled several ads in the paper. She also noticed that there were many ads stating , “WANTED: Girl Friday”. She pointed to one and said, “This one sounds perfect. They need a person who has all the skills you have. It would be perfect for you.”
I responded, “ That’s been my biggest problem. All the ‘Girl Friday’ ads are exactly right for me, but I need a job that employs me more than one day a week.”

Now, my Mom has a very special look that she gives to me every once in a while. It is best described as a short of ‘loving melancholy’ expression. Having seen it many times in my life, I knew exactly what it meant. She gives it to me whenever she thinks I’m being extremely sweet and adorable, but she is about to have to tell me something about “Life” that is going to rob me of a piece of my innocence.

I recognized the look on her face and knew that I had gotten something wrong about the “Girl Friday” issue. She simply asked me, “Sweetheart, have you ever read the book ‘Robinson Crusoe’?” My mind started going “chicketty-chicketty-chicketty” and suddenly I understood!

Robinson Crusoe was shipwrecked on an island and discovered a native living there. He found him on a Friday and named him, “Friday”. Friday did all sorts of different and varied jobs for Crusoe and ever since then whenever somebody asks for a “Man Friday” or a “Girl Friday” it means they want someone who can do several tasks. Exactly the kind of job that would have been PERFECT for me! You think Homer Simpson is the first one who said, “Doh!” ? Nope. It was me at that precise moment. And I said it so loudly that the echo can still be heard reverberating through the mountains that surround Vancouver, British Columbia.
Now I have enough distance from the event to put it in the category of: “Thus is Life” & “Live and Learn”.  Life (aka. The School of Hard Knocks) can be very harsh sometimes but you learn. By God, you learn!

It was a great disappointment to me, but by Monday morning I had a major stack of resumes to mail and pass out and in less than a week I had my new job.

I believe that God has a big Plan for my life and everything that happens to me is for a purpose, and so I can rest knowing that, no matter what, He was and is looking after me and out for me.

To the non-believer, it may have looked like God had ‘cut me loose’, but it didn’t take me long to find out that He was actually guiding me to a very specific job. If I had known what “Girl Friday” meant right from the start of my job hunt, I probably would have secured a job very quickly. I would have missed out on the job that I did get and I would not have learned the invaluable lesson of “Patience”. And Patience doesn’t just fall into our laps. It has to be taught. Just like “Faith” has to be honed and crafted before it is turned into something useful (which also takes a goodly amount of time).

I got the job that was best for me, I never went without having money for my job, I learned (again) that my mother bleeds and feels for me ALL THE TIME, that God is involved in my daily life and that what sort of person I become is important to Him. And I learned how to laugh even in the midst of hard times. And if you don’t have a sense of humour, your Life will be endured instead of experienced. Filled with adversity instead of adventure. And that’s not much of a way to live.  I’d rather thrive instead of merely exist and if I have to face hardship and heartache to do that, then so be it.

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanted anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. …
Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation,”    (2 Peter 3:9,15)

September 01, 2012

Poland Likes Me THEY REALLY LIKE ME !!!



I haven't been on the Internet for almost three weeks, so you can imagine my surprise when I discovered that last weekend, around the dates August 22-24, there was a great deal of activity around my blogs. Usually when I post something new, several people stop by and check it out. But  why did so many people come to see my posts when there was nothing new to see on those dates?

I went into the background of my Blogs to see what kind of traffic I was getting. What were the exact dates? Which posts were the most popular? Who specifically was viewing them? In short, I looked at the Statistics and Overview. I was further surprised to find out that there was a large amount of "hits" only on the days I mentioned and they seemed to be spread amongst all my posts. And came predominantly from Poland. That's right. I said, P-O-L-A-N-D! What's up with that, anyway?

 Most of the people who usually read my blogs are from North America, Australia and the UK. But it seems that on August 23rd and August 24th a large number of people in Poland (and only Poland) decided to turn on their computers and read the English blog of a middle-aged, single, Christian, Canadian. Uh, can anyone tell me why, because I am totally stumped by that one.
Perhaps it's simply that people all over the world have decided to like me. Maybe I'm an acquired taste, like an olive. Who knows? Maybe if a lot of Polish people like me, it'll make up for the people here in Canada who don't. (I must say that I like the red and white of the Polish flag, but I'm slightly prejudiced.) 
