Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

October 27, 2016

Krauss vs Comfort: MY [Extended] Comments

LINK to above YouTube video "Lawrence Krauss vs Ray Comfort"


Krauss made an excellent observation: about "INTENT".

I believe it is at the entire heart, square one or the foundation of the debate of Atheism VS Christianity.

Something in nature can have structure & order (like the snowflake Krauss uses as an example) but it's a chemical process set in motion that is repeating itself.
Another example could be the changing seasons which is also a process repeating itself.

But what about a cow? Or a flower ? Or a Human Being? These aren't mere chemical processes being repeated. They each have their particular DNA code completely formed in each cell in their body.because they are alive.

So you can't apply the set-in-motion-process to EVERYTHING in nature. Especially living things because they all have their own individual and unique DNA.

Even the snowflake, which Krauss says is merely a repeated chemical process, is unique. As even the smallest child knows, no two snowflakes are alike. That includes all the ones that were ever created or ever will be created.

Is there a reason for this massive INDIVIDUALITY found in nature?




(And we haven't even looked at Humans Beings yet.)

Why are humans the only living creatures self-aware?

Why do Humans possess morality and a sense of justice?
Where did we get it from?

(And we haven't even come near the question of what 'kick-started' everything on earth and in the universe).


Was everything made by a SUPERnatural God or was it all formed by accidental mutations over millions and millions of years?
Every mutation that science now has the ability to examine always results in corruption not enhancement or improvement.

These are the questions science has been trying to answer and still hasn't been able to. Even though science continues to gather more evidence in support of the Bible and destroy Atheism faster than most Christians can, why do people persist in their Atheism?

As more scientists continue to 'jump the ship' of Atheism and head for the Bible version of Creation and the explanation of natural things, Atheists are left standing with very 'empty hands'. Their main answer to almost any question is, "I don't believe in the God of the Bible,"

What are our origins? "I don't know, but I don't believe in the God of the Bible,"

What was the first form of life? "I don't know, but I don't believe in the God of the Bible,"

Why am I here? "I don't know, but I don't believe in the God of the Bible,"

Do I have a purpose? "I don't know, but I don't believe in the God of the Bible,"

Why is there such individuality yet such order to the Universe? "I don't know, but I don't believe in the God of the Bible,"

What happens after we die? "I don't know, but I definitely don't believe in the God of the Bible!"

Well, I DO believe in the God of the Bible and I am encouraging you to go to Him directly for the answers to your questions. Asking questions is a good thing. If you look for the Truth with an open mind and a humble heart, God will answer and show you

".... and the Truth will set you free."

Sincerely, Laura-Lee

Living Waters (HOME)

"The Atheist Delusion" Full Film at YouTube

P.S. Since these comments were inspired when Krauss brought up the topic of the "intent" behind things, ask yourself these questions:

 Why did Ray Comfort allow himself to be in this video (which he had nothing to do with the making of) and be saddled with so many restraints ("you can only ask me 4 questions", "these other people will also be filming you" "you use everything I say or nothing", ) ?

Why put up with Krauss' insulting behavior? (Krauss told him "you're wrong" over and over, but Ray never fought back.
Even when Ray said he meant his now famous "banana remarks" to be funny (which I knew the moment I heard them) Krauss says, "no you didn't".  Yet Ray doesn't even take issue with that.

After watching the entire video, if you were trapped in an elevator for 18 hours, would you rather be in there with Ray Comfort or Lawrence Krauss? 

October 25, 2016

Is NED Intelligently Designed?

Does Ned Feel the Need for Speed?

Are You Just "Dust in the Wind" ?

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”  - Mark Twain

Are You Just a Random "Accident"?
Or Intelligently Designed?

Real Human DNA under Microscope

Whether you look through a telescope or a microscope ...

"The earth is the LORD's and everything in it"   Psalm 24:1

Love Laura-Lee  (who "Was Here")

NOTE:  Watch for the full REVIEW of this Film to be posted soon at my other blog, The Bible and the Biz (Entertainment & Hollywood from a Biblical Perspective)

October 24, 2016

What is Jewish Holiday "Feast of Sukkot"? (Happening Now)

"... taste and see that the Lord is good"  Psalm 34:8

The verse at the top of the page has been repeating in my mind for almost two weeks.
 I have a young cousin who just became 1 year old. 
When he was born I sent flowers and wished him a "colorful" life. This year my prayer for him was the above verse from the Bible.
Little did I know it is also a key verse  in the Jewish Feast of Sukkot  (aka Feast of Tabernacles), which is currently being celebrated.

So when I went to research what Sukkot was all about and immediately came upon that Scripture first off, "BANG!", once again I knew that the LORD was speaking to me and guiding me.

What is interesting about all the Feasts in the Old Testament of the Bible is that each one is a prophetic foreshadowing of something Jesus would do. Or something he still will do. (Like coming back again to set up a "new heaven and a new earth")

When I discovered that "foreshadowing" fact is when I became interested  in ALL the Jewish Feast days and started celebrating them, although I don't celebrate them in the same way as orthodox Jewish people do but in my own special, "Laura-Lee" way. (I bet you're wondering what THAT is like)

If you want to know more about SUKKOT (aka. Feast of Tabernacles) read Leviticus, chapter 23 in the Old Testament of the Bible. 
(Follow LINK Below if you don't own a Bible)
Leviticus 23 at "Bible Gateway" Website

You can also follow the Link below and read the article, which will not only put you "in the know",  but will also make you hungry (if you're anything like me).

"SUKKOT: A Promise of Living Water" (Jews for Jesus Website)

Thank you for stopping by and I hope and pray that you will have a good week.

Sincerely, Laura-Lee  

(Below is the LINK to the site "Jews for Jesus", which has been very helpful to me for explaining many things that we Gentiles are clueless about) HOMEPAGE 


October 22, 2016

Memories: The Mountie and the Mountain Lion

Rocky Mountains

When I was only seven years old my family moved to a farm in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Canada. I had never lived on a farm before, but I soon discovered I had all sorts of instincts and "talents" for farming I didn't know existed until they came alive during the time we lived there. I naturally was a very quiet and fearful child but, at that point, my self-esteem was lower than it had ever been before.

We had two dogs. One was a beautiful, purebred German Shepherd that we got as a puppy and the other one was a sweet but naughty little terrier that came to us full grown and with some bad habits picked  up from his previous owners.

Farm dogs serve many useful purposes. One is as an "early warning system" for danger. If they suddenly stop what they are doing and their ears are twisting back and forth like miniature radar-satellite dishes and they don't simply return to their previous activities after a few moments, then it's time to stop and take notice of them.

That's exactly what happened early one Saturday morning when I went "exploring" after breakfast.  Suddenly both dogs stopped as if frozen, except their noses were high in the air twitching furiously and their ears were turning back and forth, back and forth, just like military radar. And when they started to growl deep in their throats, I decided to head for home. Somehow I knew not to run (*), but I kept up a pretty fast and steady pace as I walked back to the house, while the dogs followed right next to me.

Mountain Lion paw print

My mother assumed I would be gone for most of the day having seen me pack a thermos of Kool-Aid and stuff my jacket pockets with "Honey Combs". So when I suddenly showed up back in the kitchen after being gone about only 30 minutes she asked with concern,

"What's the matter? Are you hurt?"

I responded, "I'm okay, but the dogs were acting weird and I saw some strange paw prints too. I just felt I should come back home."

I spent the rest of that Saturday hanging around the house instead of wandering the 'far reaches' of our farm.

That evening, as Mom was tucking me in, she questioned me even more about the dogs' behavior and the paw prints I had seen. She did it as if it was our routine "how-was-your-day" conversation she did every night at my bedtime.

The next day as I was preparing to leave after breakfast to do more "exploring" , Mom abruptly stopped me and told me to stay in the house for the morning. I was disappointed and asked "Why?,  but all Mom answered was, "because I said so." 

This was such an unusual response for her because usually when she told me to do something it came with the reason as well. But not this time. Instead, on that Sunday morning, men started showing up at our farm. Men on horseback. Men with very big rifles. Men in uniforms. Many, many men. All congregating in our barnyard. I was watching all this commotion with fascination through the kitchen window while hiding behind the curtains to stay out of sight. 

After about 15 minutes two men, each in uniform came in. They sat down at our kitchen table and Mom served them each a cup of coffee. One uniform I recognized as a Mountie's (*2) and the other uniform I didn't recognize. Needless to say, I became very timid and intimidated too. But with a 'MOUNTIE' seated at the kitchen table, even an adult would have felt at least partially like I did.

They both immediately spotted me hiding in the corner when they walked in, but neither man said anything to me. In fact, they completely ignored me as they sat, drank their coffee and made small talk with Mom and each other. Mostly they chatted about their horses and horses was my favorite subject at the time.

Mom placed a glass of milk and a plate with a few cookies on it at an empty place at the table and gave me a nod. I knew that meant to come and join them at the table. I instantly obeyed her. Fear or no fear, she was my mother, proper polite behavior was expected and these were cookies after all!

I noticed the men in the barnyard continued to mull around, check their gear, rifles and horses and generally "shoot the bull" (as my Dad used to call it). But these two men just sat here with Mom, relaxed and chatting as I sat next to her and began to quietly munch my cookies. I might have been afraid but my curiosity about why all these men were here was stewing pretty intensely inside of me.

Suddenly, the Mountie turned to me and said gently, 
"So, blue eyes, I hear you had an interesting day yesterday."

He and the other person (who I learned was some sort of "Ranger") continued to question me about our dogs' behavior, where I had been, where I had seen the paw prints, what they looked like and things like that.  I could tell he was impressed at how much I had noticed and how much precise information I could give him.

Then one of them declared, "This is good coffee, Mrs. Rahn, but we're not getting our work done sitting here visiting."

As they were on our porch, putting their coats back on, one of them asked, "You people are 'city folk', aren't you?"

Mom responded with, 
"Yes. We've lived here about 3 months if you count the weekends we came to fix the place up before we moved in."

The two men looked at each other with surprise, then they both looked right at me and one of them said, "Amazing!" and shook his head with a pinch of awe in his voice. 

The Mountie smiled at me and said, "We're going to have to keep our eyes on you."

He meant this as a compliment but I didn't realize that and it just made me feel afraid and sort of guilty too. I still hadn't realized that the questions about the mountain lion was anything more that just idle "chit-chat".

As soon as they left I asked Mom, "Am I in trouble?" 

She hugged me and said, "Absolutely not! In fact, quite the opposite."

I discovered later that after questioning me the previous night, Mom had made a phone call to report what had happened to me and all of these men had assembled to kill the mountain lion. The fact that all these grown men, even Mounties and Rangers, had come based on MY word seemed 'amazing' to me.  
They all 'mounted' their horses and raced out of our barnyard as if they were a posse from an old Western movie. 

They didn't get the mountain lion that day, but about 6 men came back a few days later and "bagged" her then. Unfortunately, I was at school that day and missed seeing any more action. But the day they did kill her was also based on the information I had given about how fresh I believed the mountain lion's tracks were and that she was following a circuit that led her right through our farm about every 3 days. 
I also learned later that some farm animals and even a dog had been killed by this particular mountain lion but they just hadn't been able to find her. So when Mom called them they figured it was the break they needed. That Ranger told me it was very probable that lives, HUMAN lives, had been saved from the information I was able to give them.

My family was pretty dysfunctional at that time and my self-worth was at an all time low. So all these important and "official" grown-ups taking action based on what I said gave me a boost I desperately needed.  It even gave me some notoriety in our community too. 

I'm not sure I have a specific point to make with this story, but thank you for stopping by and letting me share more of my memories with you.

Have a good weekend and restful Sabbath day, Dear Friends.

Sincerely, Laura-Lee  (who "Was Here")

(*) If the mountain lion had been watching and stalking me and suddenly saw me break into a run, she would have made her attack and pounced. How did I know this? 

 (*2) "Mountie" = Royal Canadian Mounted Police (aka. R.C.M.P.)

October 21, 2016

October 15, 2016

You're Sweet

Nice you came looking
Kind of you to care
But this week too broken
Nothing left to share

October 10, 2016

MONTY and Ned?

Does Ned talk to   MONTY?

Ned on Phone
But to Whom?

Memories: in Gratitude




"Happy Thanksgiving, Canada"

Alberta Wild Roses
in the
Rocky Mountains

October 07, 2016