Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

July 30, 2016


LINK to Y.M.C.A. by The Village People

Because I can.

Sincerely, Laura-Lee
(Have I convinced you to turn off your computer for a day of rest yet?) 

July 26, 2016

9/11 Living Memorial Plaza in Jerusalem

I received this in an email from my cousin, Adelard (Leo). I found it so interesting I wanted to share it with you.

It's a Memorial in Jerusalem for the people who lost their lives in the Twin Towers on  9/11 and is actually made from some of the wreckage and includes the names of ALL the people who lost their lives.

TRANSLATION into English:

metal remnant was taken from the remains of the Twin Towers, that imploded
on September 11th disaster. It was sent over to Israel by the City of New
York to be incorporated in this memorial. This metal piece, like the
entire monument, is a manifestation of the special relationship between
New York and Jerusalem.

"9/11 Living Memorial Plaza" MORE INFO Wkipedia Link

Thank You, My [Worldly] Friends


{Everyone chant with me}


I came to my blog to check out the statistics page and see who is my "audience" and look what I found:

In the past week more people from Russia came by than Canada and America COMBINED.

Ah. Russia. Obviously, a country filled with people of great perception, sophistication, and class.

I'm also getting a group of people from the island country of Mauritius. (I had to look that up on a map). It's tiny but absolutely beautiful.
 Here are some pictures of it I found online:

Mauritius on World Map

No longer am I capable of travelling, but God has used my small (and often silly) blog to bring you to me
I'm learning so much from all of you who come to "visit" me here and I look forward to the days when you will send me more comments, feedback and messages so I can learn more about each of you individually. I always feel encouraged, humbled and so extremely grateful when you stop by. It's still hard for me to accept that anyone  would wish to read something I wrote.

But whether you come from the other side of the world or are in my own country of Canada, you ALL give me hope. 
I long for the day when you will receive your reward from God for the hope you spread through your computer keyboard and the click of a "mouse".
 A drink for my thirsty soul.

Love always, Laura-Lee  

P.S. Even got one person listed as from: "Macedonia (FYROM)". 
Where is that? Who are you? Now I'm so curious! Love, L-L

July 23, 2016

I Remember it Well

"How strong you were. How young and gay. 
Full of life in every way."

"Ah, yes.  I remember it well." 

Love Laura-Lee

I Remember it Well

July 22, 2016

MONTY's Catitude (and some of mine too)

I don't know if it's the excessive heat or that I haven't been well and not giving him enough attention or whatever, but this week MONTY has been displaying his "catitude" in so many "special" ways. God bless him for keeping my life "Interesting" (with a capital "I").

(P.S. It was a good thing we picked up extra toilet tissue yesterday, Lena. hint hint)

OR as MONTY likes to put it,
"You've got to fall asleep at some point"

I hope the rest of you had a less interesting week than I did. But I'm SO happy, proud and flattered that you stopped by again this week to see what's going on with me. 

My left "wing" is still hurt, but will eventually heal and then I'll be able to sit up and type more. I've got so many things I want to share with you. 
For now, I've got extra time for prayers while I'm immobilized and I'm spending it on you who are reading this right at this moment. 

Remember, Jesus knows who you are and ALL about you.

With Love, Laura-Lee

July 15, 2016

"ZIP" - Another Week Goes By

 "I [still] know a hawk from a handsaw."


I'm glad to have you stop in for a visit. 

Love Laura-Lee    (Was Here)


July 05, 2016

The Monday "Blues"

As many of you know, I celebrate the Sabbath on Sundays. But on Monday I often feel depressed, especially if I had a Sunday where I've been particularly close to Jesus. 
It's as if Satan is saying,  "Okay. Maybe you had a spiritually wonderful Sunday, but I still have some control over you and I'm going try my hardest to make you feel miserable physically and emotionally."

When I feel myself starting to slip into that deep and  "slimy pit", I grab my Bible for a "faith hook". Just one short Bible verse that I can quickly learn and repeat over and over in my head. Something that reveals God's character. Something to "hang" my faith on. 

Jesus and I had a great Sunday together! But on Monday morning I was hit with a massive wave of sorrow and despair and a horrible headache too. I needed a "Faith Hook" immediately! I grabbed my Bible, whipped it open and my eyes went straight to this verse:

" ... I will give you the sure mercies of David."

  (ACTS 13:34)

I didn't even understand what it meant, but I needed something quickly. It's not even the whole verse. It's not even a full sentence. It's just the last part of the last sentence in that verse. But sometimes 9 words is all you need if those 9 words happen to come from God.

So I shut my eyes and repeated those words over and over as I talked to the Lord. 
(The  "David" it is referring to is the "King David" from the Old Testament. He wrote a lot of Psalms in the Bible, including the famous "Shepherd's Psalm". The one that begins,
"The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want ..."  - Psalm 23)

As I prayed my misery away and repeated those few words: "I will give you the sure mercies of David", I asked God (again) for a sign that He is near and can hear me.
I don't think that prayer makes the Lord angry. He knows that we humans go so much by what we can physically see and touch with our 5 senses. And Jesus is always willing to encourage out trust in Him.
Talking to the Lord and that [partial] Bible verse made me feel much better.  I no longer felt like I was falling. No longer spinning downwards and out of control.

As I got up to eat my breakfast I decided to listen to the latest sermon from Joel Osteen. The one from just the previous day.

Guess what Joel talked about. Yup! 
".. the sure mercies of  David."  (I kid you NOT) That is what the entire sermon revolved around. 
God answering my request for a sign. Answering my prayer BEFORE I even prayed it.

God is SO willing to talk to us. Are you ready to listen?

Below I've attached the LINK to the Joel Osteen video I'm referring to so you can hear for yourself what I'm talking about.  I hope it encourages you too.

Love Laura-Lee 

"The King is Looking for You" Joel Osteen at YouTube

July 01, 2016

Happy 149th Birthday, Canada

In 1867 the BNA Act (British North America Act) took 3 "colonies" together which became known as Canada.

The literal translation of the word, "Canada" is  from an Iroquoi (native) word meaning "settlement' or "village".

Bible verses written on Canada's Parliament Building:
  • Over the East window – “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea” (Psalm 72:8).

  • Over the South window – “Give the King thy judgment, O God, and thy righteousness unto the King’s son” (Psalm 72:1).

  • Over the West window – “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18).

LINK More Info About Canada's Parliament Buildings

O, CANADA (National Anthem English Version)

O Canada! 
Our home and native land! 
True patriot love in all thy sons command. 
With glowing hearts we see thee rise, 
The True North strong and free! 
From far and wide O Canada, 
we stand on guard for thee. 
God keep our land glorious and free! 
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. 
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Bible verse on Canada Archway Parliament Buildings
in Canada's Capital City of  Ottawa

LINK to French version of O, Canada Lyrics at my French Blog

Happy 149th Birthday, Canada

In 1867 the BNA Act (British North America Act) took 3 "colonies" together which became known as Canada.

The literal translation of the word, "Canada" is  from an Iroquoi (native) word meaning "settlement' or "village".

Bible verses written on Canada's Parliament Building:
  • Over the East window – “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea” (Psalm 72:8).

  • Over the South window – “Give the King thy judgment, O God, and thy righteousness unto the King’s son” (Psalm 72:1).

  • Over the West window – “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18).

LINK More Info About Canada's Parliament Buildings

O, CANADA (National Anthem English Version)

O Canada! 
Our home and native land! 
True patriot love in all thy sons command. 
With glowing hearts we see thee rise, 
The True North strong and free! 
From far and wide O Canada, 
we stand on guard for thee. 
God keep our land glorious and free! 
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. 
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Bible verse on Canada Archway Parliament Buildings
in Canada's Capital City of  Ottawa

LINK to French version of O, Canada Lyrics at my French Blog