Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

December 18, 2015

Mrs. Long

This is a Follow up/Companion Post to Learning to Read but Losing Your Soul: Grade One

For those of you who just finished reading the Post "FINALLY FINISHED: Church Lady P.I." (also at this blog), it probably comes as no surprise to you (especially if you're a parent) what it has taken me all these years to figure out. 
When I confessed my lies to Mrs. Long, she knew what I was going to say before I even opened my mouth. 

 I always wondered why Mom and her had such a great love for each other since they had never even met. Of course, there is no way Mom would have not called Mrs. Long and told her all that was going on before I ever got to school on that Monday morning so long ago now. It bonded their relationship and before we moved away Mom bought Mrs. Long a present for her "prayer corner".

In Mrs. Long's classroom there was a table that had a crucifix on the wall and (if I remember) a picture of Jesus and statue of Mary and"Baby" Jesus. This was the place the consistently naughty children went in order to take time to be alone with the Lord and consider their actions. I look back and think this was brilliance. The Christian version and fore-runner of a "time out".
Mrs. Long made sure that this was kept separate from any punishment. It truly was about each child considering their actions and examining their consciences before the Lord. So before we moved away (even before Christmas came), Mom bought some special, holy  bees wax candles (very difficult to get in that tiny, northern, Canadian town) and some pretty candle holders. 

I was given a special gift from Mrs. Long "to remember the class with".  A brand new book. I was standing there in front of the class, and saying "good-bye" (and terrified, of course), but I was hesitating and looking like I wanted to say something. So when Mrs. Long asked me, "Was their something you wanted say, Laura-Lee?" I simply asked, "Can I keep my Reader?"
I have that first book I ever read to this day.

What's amazing as I sit here and remember Mrs. Long is how much she and the Church Lady P.I. are actually alike. Perhaps that's what attracted me to Mai. The way she refers to "my" Marc is the same way Mrs. Long would refer to her husband as, "my Jim."
Even the humorous nature of their names is similar. However, the Church Lady P.I. was born "Mai Breeze" and Mrs. Long got hers the day she married and officially became, "Beatrice Long".  She remained "Bea Long" for entire life long (and "long" life - pun intended too) until she "moved Home" to finally be reunited with every member of her family. I suppose I am her legacy too. 

I never saw her face again after we moved away, but we spoke on the phone often and exchanged many, many letters through more than 3 decades. She was no slouch of a writer herself. After she retired she took up poetry writing and was published many times for her award winning poems.

That's why I felt she at least deserved a blog post here all to herself and have included one of her poems. I'll most definitely be publishing more of them as time goes on.

But for now, I present to you my beloved first grade teacher, Mrs. Bea Long, and her poem, "Gratitude".


Lord, Thank you for my soul's expansion
As you taught me how to wait
For a treasured dream's fruition
And hopes fulfilled not soon, not late

For Thy gentle, soothing solace
When life's skies turned dark with grief
For the wisdom gleaned through sorrow
Faith, that strengthened my belief.

Thank you the rainbow's promise
Ribboning the storm swept skies
For the melody of bird song ---
And the way an eagle flies

Thanks for Spring's elusive caper
And for Summer's sunny dance
For the golden glow of Autumn
Winter's harsh and frigid glance.

Thank you for life's sun and shadow
Ecstasy and stabbing pain
For Thy love which never fails me ----
Helping me to rise again.

 ~~~ Beatrice Long