Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

November 10, 2015

Our "Word of the Day" is: OMNI

Good morning, Boys & Girls. 

Our "New Word" for the day is: "omni".

 If you've seen it and you're from the Western World, you probably know it as the name of that science magazine. But I'm going to use it at the front of a bunch of long words:


Many years ago, I was working at the head office of Mohawk Oil. We were all grabbing our morning coffee before getting to work. A lady, who was not a Christian, was lamenting about all the bad things that were happening to her. 
I made the statement, "These things are no surprise to God. He is always with you and sees all that you do," thinking this would bring her comfort. 
I often remind myself of those facts when I feel overwhelmed and  feel God is far away.  But judging from the look on her face (and everyone else's) this did NOT bring her comfort. In fact, she looked "spooked" by this knowledge and glanced around the room as if she feared God might "pop out" at any moment, from any place.

To me, it was another hardcore reminder that Christians and non-Christians view the world and God very differently. She still had all her sins firmly rooted in her life and even though she had a basic belief in God, He was watching her, but "from a distance" (as Bette Midler sings).

But if you know you're forgiven, your sins are no longer charged against you and God Himself is the One who removed them (by "charging" them to Jesus and Jesus shed His blood to pay for them) because of his Omni-Love (is that a real word?), then it is not a "freaky" thing but a beautiful truth.

Back to our 3 new words. They are Latin and translated mean:

ALL knowing
ALL powerful
ALL present

Each one describes a fact about God and reveals some aspect of His character. He knows everything, about everyone because He is everywhere. And if that isn't enough, He has complete power over everything. If knowing these things is "creeping you out", on any level, I would say things between you and God are not going very good.

For the longest time, even after I was a Christian and knew Jesus forgave all my sins, there were still parts of my life that I hoped He didn't know about. Basically hoping He was "looking the other way" while I was involved in them. But gradually I realized that if He truly was those "omni" words, then there was no "keeping Him out" of any aspect of my life.  So, if I couldn't keep Him out, I may as well INVITE Him in. That may sound like a small thing to do, but it actually radically changed my life because Jesus is waiting and longing for us to do just that. To invite Him in.

So, this morning (or whenever you are reading this), perhaps as you stir your coffee, please keep the "3 Omnis in mind.

"Lord Jesus, I pray that each person will come across the word 'OMNI' everywhere. To the point where they believe it can be no accident but only your hand steering their lives. 
Find them a Bible and give them such a strong desire to read it, they can find no peace until they do just that. Immediately!
Give each person reading this all the strength they need for this day and enough faith to begin to speak to You. Directly. But mostly that it would be just the beginning of a lifetime of knowing You on a personal level and in an intimate way. That your existence and participation in their life is such a reality it will alter them forever.
       Thank you, Jesus. Amen."

And thanks to you for stopping by and taking the time to read this.

~~ Love Laura-Lee

" Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near."

  (Philippians 4:4-5)

P.S. Don't forget to leave a Comment or perhaps, "Shout" at me as you try out the buttons and options of our new "Shout/Chat Box". I study the Blogger Statistics about my blog, but there's nothing so wonderful as hearing from you directly. (even if you disagree with me). L-L

NOTE:   Shout Box  - Chat Box at tippy bottom of  page. Keep going. Keep going. You'll get there.