Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

February 21, 2021

Alberta Pastor in Jail for Holding Church Services


Pastor James Coates from GraceLife Church here in MY city of Edmonton, Alberta now sits in a maximum security jail because he refused to turn people away from his church and therefore over stepped the local COVID-19 restrictions.

I have written an email to our Minister of Justice, Kaycee Madu, to protest this. I have included it below and his email address as well in the hope the rest of you will be stirred to action to do something too. To do anything! Most of the people who read this blog are Christians and/or believe in civil liberties. It is good to be nice, law-abiding Canadians but we also have to stand against things that are wrong and even evil, because make no mistake, if you don't take a stand for others there will be nobody left to take a stand when they come for you.

Subject: Incarceration of Justice and Rev. Coates

Dear Mr. Madu,

I am sending this email to respectfully, yet firmly protest the treatment and incarceration of Pastor Coates of GraceLife Church for continuing to hold church services in spite of the Alberta COVID-19 restrictions. Even the breaking of these laws does not carry a jail term.

I ask you to look into the lockdown restrictions in general. I believe they are much to strict and appear to have a pick and choose nature, allowing revenue producing companies great leniency. Or cramming students into schools when they could be online but denying Christians the ability to live out a fundamental tenant of our faith, namely the ability to assemble for worship and gather together.

My great-grandparents settled in Alberta the very year it became a Province and it was not uncommon for them to walk miles in order to attend church. What would they say, and all the hundreds of my family members, who now lay beneath the Alberta soil they spent their lives working and living on, if they were to rise and speak? They would probably ask me why I was remaining silent.

So I'm speaking up to take my stand, voice my adamant displeasure and request you to take action. This is not justice. And as the "servant" of Justice, which is what the word "minister" means, I'm asking you to fulfill that role before the people of Alberta and God.

Sincerely, Laura-Lee Rahn
Edmonton, Alberta

Madu, Kaycee, Honourable
Minister of Justice and Solicitor General, Deputy House Leader
Office of the Minister

Justice and Solicitor General
424 Legislature Building
10800 - 97 Avenue
Edmonton, AB
T5K 2B6

Phone: 780 427-2339
Fax: 780 422-6621

Mail Label

780 427-2339Minister of Justice and Solicitor General, Deputy House Leader

Link to an independent news channel to give you the particulars of this situation

LINK Rebel News YouTube

LINK GraceLife Church

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