Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

July 26, 2019

Scammed Again

 I can't believe it! They tried it again! People are becoming so brazen!

It was just a couple weeks ago that I received a phone call early in the morning saying they were from Visa security and that there were some unauthorized purchases made on my card.
Well this morning I got the exact same phone call. It started with the automated voice asking me if I wanted to speak to a representative. Boy, did I want to speak to a representative!
He said to me the exact same words used last time. You think that if they were going to phone the same people they would at least think of something different to say. I have to admit they are doing a very good job of it. They sound very legitimate and they actually get you in the frame of mind that they are there to help you. All you have to do is tell them your Visa number.
When I got on the line with the representative I was happy to remind him about the phone call I received from him two weeks ago and how he immediately hung up on me when I refused to give my Visa number. The next sound I heard was nothing.

If they phone me again next time I'm going to have some fun with them. I am going to tell them that I'm so glad they found me because I'm afraid that this unauthorized Visa activity might affect my purchase of all that expensive equipment that allows me to trace phone calls and emails.

Or it might interfere with my purchase of those three handguns I just bought. And the only activity I've known on eBay is not me purchasing anything but trying to sell things. I have a lot of World War II Nazi guns and metals that my father got while he was a Nazi. I haven't been able to sell any of them yet but I've made a lot of new and interesting eBay Buddy's.

Let's see if they hang up on that.
Now I think I will insert my maniacal laugh. Muah ha ha ha ha 

But I hope this will help you at least. According to my caller display they come somewhere from Florida. But who knows, there are crooked criminals everywhere. So once again I remind you to give out no no no information over the phone or to anyone you don't know!

Thanks for listening. Be safe.💃

Sincerely, Laura-Lee  😤😱

 PS you may want to go and read my original post about the scammers phoning me called rise and shine scam time.