Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

January 17, 2016

Bizzare Life; Unusual Week; Sabbath Day

I need this Sabbath day of rest very much after the week I just had. It's been one of those, "Do I laugh?" or "Do I cry?" type of weeks. (I ended up doing both)

If being disabled and all my usual complaints aren't enough, this week I actually got injured as well. And it took me a couple days to seek "help" for my injury because of the bizarre way it happened.  I just refused to believe I was hurt in any serious way until the pain got too severe to bear.

Then I remembered Mom would say I reminded her of "Les Nesman" from the old TV Show, "WKRP in Cincinatti", because he was always wearing a band-aid on a different place for each episode. Mom started referring to me as the "Queen of the Freak Accident".

When Mom was still alive I wasn't as sick as I am now, so whenever I went to the Hospital Emergency Room it was usually due to an injury instead of sickness. And when it's an injury they   ask detailed questions on how you got injured. I was actually chuckling when I was remembering all the different things I had to admit to through the years each time I had to visit an E.R.
But even I didn't "believe" this one. 

Try and explain how you "cracked your ribs" while "laying down on a, uh, ... um, a ... a roll of toilet paper."

(No. That's not a spelling error!)

Also this week,

  You may recall that I once made a  "How-to"  video on adding several different colored ribbons into the spine of your Bible, to use as bookmarks. Well, this week the ones I had made and inserted into my Bible went missing.  I'm still waiting for a pretty neon green one to ... come out of my cat, MONTY!

(I'm sensing a theme here)

So right now I'm stuck in bed more than usual, 
in pain more than usual, 
immobilized (more than usual) by a roll of toilet paper, 
while I wait and watch (more than usual) MONTY's litter box.

(Apparently he not a cat who believes in "chewing 32 times", but more the "swallowing whole" type of cat.)

So what else could I do? I wrote a poem.

Tomorrow in chains or perhaps set free 
Or living in Shakespeare's "Undiscovered Country".
Whether "to be or not to be"
I can't run away for the life of Me.

Say "if it be God's will" when making plans
Troubles don't come single but "in battali-ans"
 I can never escape who I AM,
No denying I was here. Laura-Lee Rahn"
My good God. Doing what's best.
Thank you, Savior, for commanding me, "Rest."

Laura-Lee ... Was Here.