Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

October 16, 2012

Close Enough to Spit and Hit It

"Grace", Counting Homeless People, Cyber-Bullying, Christmas, and "The Mentalist". All these things are coming up on my blogs. (My life has certainly become a very strange mix)

Here's what's coming up so close that you could spit and hit it:

1) Another book has arrived for me to read and review thanks to Graf-Martin Publishing.

"GRACE: More than we deserve; Greater than we imagine"

     by MAX LUCADO

 I am rushing through it as fast as possible.


2) They have just done the "Annual Homeless Count"  for Edmonton and I am in the middle of some research before I write an article about it.

3) I have been working on a post about Cyber Bullying  and, with the death of Amanda Todd in Port Coquitlam, I see that the Lord has me right on topic.

4) On a lighter note, Christmas is coming up and I've got some ideas that should be helpful on my crafting blog, "LOVE Expressed Through DOODLES".  Some decorating ideas but lots of card making ideas, which will be easy and fun to participate in with you and your kids.

5) On my blog, "The Bible and the Biz" I have made the claim that I have figured out the identity of "RED JOHN" who is the serial killer that drives the plot of the TV show, "The Mentalist". Because I cannot just blurt out the culprit, the 'nay-sayers' have started to come out of the wood-work and are challenging me to PROVE that I know his/her identity. So, we will see if I actually DO know. If I DO know, I should be able to predict where the show is going with both the "A Story" (Who is Red John), the "B Story" (Who is Patrick Jane), and the "C Story" (Who is everyone else).

SO, I better stop talking about it and get those things done.

In the mean time, I have noticed that many people are returning to my blogs to read the former posts. (Whew. I had no idea I had written that much and I have only begun to blab). I remind you that I LOVE comments and that you can leave a comment anonymously or with your Google Account. Either way, let me hear from you. (I already know what I'm thinking).

See you soon.
Love Laura-Lee