Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

October 01, 2012

Choosing the Right "ONE" to Marry

Meet Mr. and Mrs. RIGHT  CLOSE

This is a follow up on my other post: "Marriage: (at 10 years old)".

People often ask me "How do you know when he/she is the one to marry?" 

  I'm not sure why they ask me. I suppose I am getting older and therefore, people think, I'm wiser. But having lived several decades does allow you to see patterns. Especially in the way people behave. So, for those of you who want to know how to decide this very serious question of who to marry and when to marry them, here are my thoughts.

** If you don't care how you're dressed, who is at your wedding, what your ring looks like (or whether or not you even have one), if you will be going home to a hovel and you will have to be poor for the rest of your life and you still want to get married. And furthermore,  the mere sight of your beloved makes you want to run into their arms and you are thinking only one thing: "I am not good enough for this wonderful, amazing person", then I can say with some certainty that this probably the person for you.

  ("Perfect love casts out fear." - Book of: 1 John - The Bible)

** To the men: If you are proposing and you don't know whether your lady will give you a "yes" or a "no", then it is either too soon, or not the right person .

In describing LOVE, the first thing the Bible says is that, "Love is patient". If you don't know what the answer to your proposal will be, then you don't know that person well enough to be starting a life together.

 Whether or not you two should be married, is just the first in a million decisions you will have to make TOGETHER. If you aren't even on the same page as far as the "first" big decision is concerned, you are not ready to make any other ones yet. 

I've always said: "The wedding ceremony should only be the final, public declaration of the commitment your heart has already made".
A piece of paper doesn't make you married and a piece of paper can't make you divorced.
Whether or not you cheat on your spouse has nothing to do with LOOKS or OPPORTUNITY. It's all about your level of commitment and if you have the character and self-discipline to follow through with your vows and promises.

BUT, if all this does work out: 1) you love the person, 2) they are right for you, 3) you are of one mind and heart, 4) you have made a lifetime commitment and 5) you have the guts to see it through and 6) the ability to love that person "NO MATTER WHAT", ...  then you have something that can change the world. Literally! A family that is bonded in love, obeying God and sacrificing for each other, is an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE and the rewards will be never ending.