Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

October 28, 2012

A "Witch's Invitation" for Halloween

I stopped celebrating Halloween many years ago. Right around the time I became too old to go "trick or treating" from door to door, I also became a Born-Again Christian.
Now, in truth, dressing up in costumes and having a good time is something a person never really grows out of, so there is always a "tug" on my emotions around this time of year. I have a vivid imagination, can always think of a great costume and I'm never too old for a party.
Of course, this time of year also brings out certain songs, depending on what generation you belong too.
Those of us who grew up in the 1980's immediately think of  "Thriller" by Michael Jackson.
Those of us even older (not me of course) think of  "The Monster Mash". Both 'classics' in their own right.
But when I think of Halloween, one song rises above the rest. AND the great part of it, is it can slip by my Christian conscience, so I can still enjoy it.
So for those of you who have never had one before, I give to you now a "Witch's Invitation."
With deep sincerity, Laura-Lee
"Witch's Invitation" by Carman
And if that video "left you hanging", then you should rap it up with some good news.
Now this is the best way to celebrate "Halloween". Make sure your name is written in "The Book"