Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

July 22, 2017

Frozen. Help. Gurgle gurgle

Currently my laptop is frozen solid. Can`t even get the drive door open. So can`t even play a DVD. No TV. Can`t get to library computer. Nothing to do but read my Bible with a pair of reading glassses from the drugstore.
HOWEVER, GOD IS GOOD AND ALWAYS PROVIDES A WAY. Even if it comes from "Left field".
So here is a short post so you don`t worry about me and I`ll explain morewith a good story to tell  when He gets me officially back on line. I just can`t believe he`s got all you folks coming  to my blog only to shut me down.

PRAISE HIS NAME no matter what tomorrow brings and know I am doing the same.

Love ALWAYS, Laura-Lee