Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

August 21, 2024

How to Stand Up to a Narcissist


Here's the short answer. You DON'T❗️

Narcissists need to be the center of attention, even negative attention. You may try to fight them (sometimes with the desire  to "save them") but in the process you will

Endure more trauma in their hands 

End up lowering yourself to their level 

Take on their traits 

Become a shell of a human being

Narcissists are highly intelligent and EXPERTS at being manipulators. The best thing you can do is LEAVE. You preserve yourself AND get them upset because YOU are dumping THEM❗️🀨

Unfortunately, this is a VERY dangerous stage because they do not like being dumped. That's why I encourage you to take the time to carefully plan your escape, leave quietly and take legal precautions  (such as advice from a lawyer and a Restraining Order).

When a Narcissist discovers they can no longer control you they will 

Attempt to destroy your reputation and none of it needs to be founded in the truth. This meets their needs in two ways. It means that if you have anything to report against them nobody will believe you and they get more "jollies" from destroying you even further. The ultimate kick while you're down.

Attempt to physically hurt you.  A dumped Narcissist is like a riled up wild animal. They are incapable of self-control, lack empathy or morality and may do anything to take you down. Remember, THEY are the source of everything, including what is right and wrong, and will justify their behavior to themselves.

When you FLEE from a Narcissist  you must 

DUMP your devices, 

Don't use GPS on your phone or in your vehicle


Don't go to any FRIENDS or FAMILY they are aware of.  They will be able to convince them that they want to contact you to "repair your relationship" and make peace with you and those who don't fully comprehend may give up your location to them believing they are doing the "right thing" to facilitate a reconciliation.


Part of the tragedy of this is that Narcissistic Personality Disorder is curable! The problem is that the Narcissist has NO desire or even the slightest inclination to get help because THEY are not the problem. Everybody ELSE is the problem. They are chronic liars and incapable of self-reflection.

But the good news is that you CAN be healed and get past all of this.


1. Carefully plan your escape.

2. Keep your plans to yourself 

3. Get legal advice 

4. Go quietly and get off the Internet

5. Don't contact mutual Friends or Family members.

5. Don't worry about Justice or Whistle-blowing 

( that can come later after you're stronger)

6. Get professional therapy to work through your trauma.

It takes time and effort but there is FREEDOM and a good life beyond all the fear and turmoil. I know this from personal experience and I know God has a plan to get you out.

 I wish I could do more but for now warning and informing you is all I'm capable of. But if you are reading this then know I am praying DAILY for your Freedom, just as I will continue to strive to bring you ...

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee 

"Even youths grow tired and weary,

    and young men stumble and fall;

but those who hope in the Lord

    will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles;

    they will run and not grow weary,

    they will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:30-31)

My blog post "What Makes a Cult (Simplified)"

Christian Counselor, Shaneen Megji, gives you more information on how to leave from a "practical, Biblical and Spiritual perspective".

LINK How to Leave a Toxic Church by Shaneen Megji


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