Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

July 17, 2024

What Makes a Cult ❓️ (simplified)


A cult is not a cult because you disagree with it. What defines a cult is their structure and means of CONTROL, which is the same for EVERY cult, whether it is a religious, business, political or self-help one.

Top signs of every Cult;

Led by a Narcissistic, Charismatic person who is able to convince others that he (or she) is special and should not be questioned.

Isolating their members away from family and friends.

Keeping everyone overworked and tired with no quiet time alone for reflection.

A Punishment/Reward system that can involve extreme tactics or merely being shunned by the group until you start behaving properly again and comply.

You are not allowed to disagree with the Leader or their teachings. If you do you come away doubting yourself and believing the problem is YOU not them.

A person's individuality is frowned upon and systematically destroyed.

Made to believe something bad will happen to you if you leave.

Required to make personal sacrifices for the greater good of the group.

Us vs Them mentality. You are in a fight with the people outside of the cult who don't agree with it's teachings.

The Leader controls your social interactions. Often involves celibacy, but if it's a cult that allows marriage the Leader will make the arrangements for who people will marry, even though this may be done in a Covert manner. (acting as a Matchmaker)

Anyone who is exceptional at their job and getting recognition will be put into a lower position (because God wants them to learn Humility)


You may be in a Cult but not aware of it because these traits were put upon you gradually. It is my hope you will read this basic list and begin to look at the group you're in with a more objective perspective.

Here's a video that reiterates what I’ve been saying. It’s not made by a Christian but, as I previously stated, all cults operate the same.

LINK "What Causes a Cult to Form?" by TO THINK AGAIN at YouTube

For a way to get out of a Cult I will hand you over to Christian Therapist, Shaneen Megji, who knows what she's talking about (because she escaped from one herself) and views things from a Spiritual, Biblical and Practical point of view.

LINK "How to Leave a Toxic Church" by Shaneen Megji

I’ve studied cults throughout the decades but I am speaking about this a lot now because they are EVERYWHERE these days and are luring a lot of unaware people in with a lot of tricks.

I am also praying daily that Jesus will expose these pseudo-Christian organizations and  I will continue to strive to bring you …

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee 

I have identified the "Christian" paraChurch organization, Answers in Genesis with Leader Ken Ham as a Cult.

Here is a link to my blog post with the evidence and some practical advice on how to escape from them specifically.

Link "Answers in Genesis is a Cult "


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