Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

August 26, 2024

Define Your Terms and Beware of "Experts" ❗️๐Ÿง


We may all be using the same words but we often mean very different things. And just because somebody says something boldly doesn't make them experts or that they actually know what they are talking about.

Here are some prime examples of what I mean:

People constantly referring to others as Fascists, Marxists and Nazis, when they themselves are demonstrating these hardcore beliefs. So they obviously are meaning something very different to what these ideologies actually are.

One guy said he had run into a “Nazi” on the way to work.

What did he mean? He meant the guy he bought his morning coffee from and gave him the wrong kind and then some major attitude when he complained about it. 

So basically he was a ‘Coffee Nazi?”, I asked. (The man did not appreciate my subtle wit) ๐Ÿ˜‰

I've been called a “Zionist Nazi”. There is no such thing!

A Zionist is somebody who believes and supports the idea that Jews should be living in Israel. Nazis think all Jews should be exterminated. You can't be both at the same time!

Dynamic Woman  means Pushy Broad

Sex Worker means  Hooker

TransWoman. A MAN with a penis and testicles and XY chromosomes in every cell in his body who has some MAJOR psychological issues.

What can be; unburdened by what has been.”

Uh. Uh. ๐Ÿค” (long pause)

I have NO idea. ๐Ÿคท‍♀️ So let's keep going.๐Ÿ‘‰

Using terms like “enabler” and  “gaslighting” does not make someone a psychological expert!

One woman told me she was being mistreated by the man she was living with. Since they weren't married and had no children I asked her why she didn't just leave.

“I can't.” she responded, “He's my enabler”.

When I asked her what she meant by “enabler”. She responded, “Living with him enables me to live rent free”. (No. She wasn't joking). In other words, she's a Prostitute because she “exchanges sex or a sexual act for financial gain”. (aka. A Hooker! aka. Sex worker.)

Gaslight. People are using this in a very broad way and they mean a myriad of different things by it. Usually they mean any way a person mentally or emotionally influences or manipulates somebody else. 

Plus it is FAR from a real psychological term. It's the TITLE of a MOVIE, People!

 (Although a very good movie, which I highly recommend you watch. Especially the version with Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer and Angela Landsbury, who won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in this, her very first movie role. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ But I digress)

Theologian. Someone who has read the Bible, is completely in love with the workings of their own brain, and thinks the rest of us should be too.

I'm a very spiritual person.” This is one of the broadest phrases people will ever use. It can mean ANYTHING from they take yoga classes to they actively worship Satan.

God. They don't necessarily mean God from the Bible. Most of the time it means a version of God they have conjured up in their own imaginations, who is always happy with them, accepts whatever they do without question and never requires them to change or to improve their character. Which, BY THE WAY, is the complete opposite to the REAL God!

The gospel”. Non Christians have NO idea what Christians mean when they use this term and, quite frankly, neither do I anymore. I've heard it come out of the mouths of some very evil people, who use it to justify doing some very nasty things that are completely opposed to what Jesus would do.

The word Gospel literally translated means “Good News” and I am here to tell you the Good News about Jesus Christ. Not some Jesus I cooked up in the recesses of my own brain but the one right out of the Bible!

(Have I clearly defined that for you? ๐Ÿคจ)

I could go on FOREVER, but you get the idea. ๐Ÿ’‍♀️

Keep your ears open, your minds in active mode, and watch out for yourselves as I continue to strive to bring you …

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee 

(Not MY personal, subjective version of truth, which will change with whatever mood I happen to be in at the moment I write this, but the objective truth, which is above and beyond myself, never changes with the passage of time or circumstances and is lived out in the person of Jesus)

Am I being clear? ๐Ÿ’‍♀️

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” (John 14:6)