I believe the Bible is true (from cover to cover) and I take it literally. I have been a Born Again Christian for 45 years. I have a personal relationship with Jesus. I believe in Creative Design. I know science and historical events declare the veracity of the Scriptures. I believe in a Young Earth. I have publicly debated the Theory of Evolution for FOUR DECADES. I have never met Martyn or Ken so I have no personal squabble with them so I am NOT persecuting them.
But I also KNOW Ken is a greedy, Narcissistic Megalomaniac. His doctrine is unsound, Answers in Genesis is a corrupt organization and he and Martyn Iles (new AiG CEO) make their money by enslaving people to WORSHIP a big boat in a field in Kentucky. They specifically have their eyes on the extremely LUCRATIVE and previously ELUSIVE Gen-Z market and are about to use TENS of MILLIONS of dollars of "ministry" money and AiG's MASSIVE PR Machine and Spin Doctors to take their mission GLOBAL.
... and I have a wee bit of an issue with that. ๐ค
#Jesus is NOT pleased and is about to crash the whole evil mess!
(So stay tuned because things at Answers in Genesis are about to get "real interesting like".)
The Truth with Love,
Always Laura-Lee
("Don't be shy, Laura-Lee, tell us how you REALLY feel".
Martyn has sacrificed his Integrity (if he even had any to begin with) by getting Answers in Genesis personnel to set up bogus online accounts in order to give his book, “Who Am I? Solving the Identity Puzzle” 5-Star ratings and positive reviews.
And he is apparently passing himself off as some kind of “Doctor” to follow in the footsteps of his master, mentor, Ken Ham and make as much money as possible.
I've been reviewing books for decades with a proclivity to locate new Christian authors. If you wish to read my review of Martyn's book (and compare it to the others) follow the Link to the Goodreads page for “Who Am I?”.