Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

December 14, 2020

EMERGENCY Help for AISH Recipients

  AISH (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped) might help with utilities in arrears but the only way is to apply by email with all the particulars of your situation.

 Attach documentation of :

2 latest bank statements

Proof of amount owing

Recent AISH pay stubb

Proof of rent

(and anything else you can prove)

Keep it concise and in point form where possible and include a monthly budget with a list of all and any extra 

costs due to COVID-19.

 I was told by AISH:

They never pay for your telephone or internet

They may consider the Epcor but "no guarantees

 You have to pay it back by AISH removing some from your benefits each month.

Also, if you haven't tried making several previous payment arrangements to work something out with your utility company, AISH won't even consider your request.

 Also, don't believe the misconceptions that you won't have your heat cut off in the winter. 


As long as you pay something each month the utility companies won't cut you off. 

When you get behind, down go your utilities.

Even if you think you don't have a shot, go for it anyway. Even if they refuse you are already desperate with nothing to lose and you may just get someone in a good mood who wants to help you.

Yes. I know. But keep in mind I'm a Christian who believes  in miracles. And every once in awhile I see one happen

Sincerely, Laura-Lee

(Take special note that there MUST be a hyphen before the word mail.)

Could YOU live on $1685 a month?

LINK Calgary Live Wire "AISH Recipients Receive no COVID-19 Emergency Help"

LINK to AISH Website (Good Luck) The link is all you'll ever get from AISH

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