Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

May 06, 2016

My 50th Birthday Present Found at YouTube

Several of you wish to give me a birthday present, but can't (for whatever reason).

I'm going to ask you to do something for ME ... by doing something for YOURSELF.

I have had contact and worked with several Ministries throughout my 38 years with Jesus, but recently have come across a Ministry that is "different."
It so accurately speaks the Word of God that it's what I refer to as  "spooky - good" .

God will tell me something through His Word (aka. the Bible) and by His Holy Spirit,  I'll write it in my diary and in a very short time - sometimes just minutes - this particular ministry will say the exact same thing to me through their newsletter arriving at my email Inbox, or a comment at my blog and once the head of the ministry actually phoned me at my home and left me a message about something I had just written in my diary. (I kid you not!)

So follow the LINK below to watch this video from "Living Waters Ministries". Especially,  ESPECIALLY if you are a Christian. 

And while you are watching, consider this Bible verse, which is part of the letter that the Apostle Paul wrote to the Roman Christians:

"Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, ... " 

    Romans 12:3 (NIV)

If I knew this would be my last minutes on earth I would beg you with my last breath to read the Bible. And if I could recommend just one ministry, it would be "Living Waters Ministries" (YouTube). Also, if you've seen my "Complete Films Play List" at my YouTube Channel, you will notice that "Living Waters Ministries" YouTube also has several movies there too. 

Learn, laugh and hear the truth. Give me a gift by giving one to yourself.

You are precious and loved. Let us all drink deeply of the Truth and those real Living Waters Jesus was talking about in the Bible. (The book of John, chapter 4). 

 ~~ Laura-Lee  

FOLLOW the LINK to the Living Waters YouTube video.

"America's Greatest Sin" by Living Waters at YouTube

"Living Waters" & "Way of the Master" YouTube Channel