Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

May 26, 2013

The "CHURCH LADY Private Eye" Strikes Again

Parts 4 & 5 of the "Church Lady P.I." Series are posted and running at the "Master's Peace Theatre" Blog.

Getting lots of hits but not many comments.

I suspect that will change round about Part 5,  where "the plot thickens" as they say.

And I like to say, "Truth, is stranger than anything I could think up and write on my own."
I'm starting to be very grateful Mai made me a part of this.

Love Laura-Lee


CHURCH LADY P.I. (Part 5) the plot thickens

REMEMBER: It's a MYSTERY so it has to read in order and you can't leave any part out. So start at the "Introduction" and proceed to Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and so on. (you know how to count).

For those who haven't started the series at all, use the link below to go to the introduction.

Introduction to CHURCH LADY Private Eye