Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

January 27, 2008

Rapture, You're Left Behind

This is a message I am leaving behind in the event that I have suddenly vanished from the earth, along with millions of other people. We all share one thing in common: we have given our lives to Jesus. Somewhere during the course of our time on earth we came face to face with the question, "Who is Jesus"? We have answered it with , "God's one and only Son". Acknowledging Him as our Creator, King, Redeemer, Saviour and Best Friend, we have bowed to Him with heart and will and given the remainder of our lives into His capable hands to do with us as He wishes.
The world calls us many names and has placed many labels on us: Religious Fanatics, Moral Majority, Evangelicals, Jesus Freaks, the Enemy. But we are simply ordinary people who have realized our great debt of sin and the price it requires: death. Knowing this we have accepted the greatest Gift of all, Jesus' death on the cross to pay for that debt and thus we are forgiven. We are not better than anyone else, we have just been cleansed by the precious, spilt blood of our Saviour.
Jesus has promised us that He would return for us and never would we be separated from Him again. He may do it for me on the day I die or He may take me in the Rapture. In English the word means, "to be caught up". If we are now all gone, then "caught up" is what has happened to us. At this point the greatest proof I can offer is the date attached to this Blog. You must accept that I knew it would happen before it ever took place. Jesus always keeps His promises! If I no longer walk the earth, then I walk by His side with all my brothers and sisters who also bended their knees and wills to God.
If you still remain...God, in his mercy, offers you ONE more chance. You must live as His friend or His enemy. Middle ground no longer exists. Perhaps it never has. Soon, Jesus will return to the Earth and "every eye will see Him". You WILL bow before Him and proclaim Him to be "King of Kings and Lord of Lords." The only choice you now have is if you will declare this as His friend or as His enemy.
In a very real way you have missed out on doing things the "easy way". If you are a Christian, you will suffer the wrath of the anti-Christ; If you are NOT a Christian then you will suffer the wrath of the REAL Christ. The Bible says, "Do not fear those who can destroy your body but only those who can destroy your soul".
But, if by chance you have happened onto this Blog and the Rapture has NOT happened yet, then please do things the "easy" way. Give your life over to Jesus right now. Stop messing around. It's time for you to answer the question: "Who is Jesus?" I pray that you will find the right answer. I have also prayed for each person who reads this, Christian or Non-Christian.
For the Christian: Know that your troubles of this world are only temporary. Jesus WILL come back for you and He will wipe every tear from your eyes. He NEVER breaks His promises. "Heaven and Earth may crumble but the Word of God stands firm forever".
For the Non-Christian: God makes sure that each person has an opportunity to accept Him or reject Him. This moment may be here for you right now as you read this. If you feel your heart beating faster and the huge emptiness in your life screams out to be filled, then know that Jesus stands ready to come to you at the smallest whisper of your heart. I have belonged to Jesus for almost 30 years and He is "trust-worthy and true". Now, is your chance. You may not have another, so don't let it pass by. Because, even if the Rapture never happens for hundreds of years, I can guarantee that you will face death much sooner and you need to put your soul in the hands of the only Person who ever overcame death and still lives to tell.
"O death, where is thy victory? where is thy sting?" Jesus, the first born from the grave. Lead on.....