Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

October 12, 2024

Are You a "False Convert"❓️


Christians spend a HUGE amount of time asking themselves if they are truly Saved. They see themselves commit sins every day and become chronically self-reflecting and constantly stressing over whether their faith in Jesus is authentic.

Enter the term, "False Convert".

I'd been a Christian for about forty years when I first heard this term. It came shooting out of the mouth of Ray Comfort (head of Living Waters Ministries) during a sermon series he had developed called, "The Way of the Master".

He explained that true belief in Jesus came to us when we became Born Again and, once we became filled with the Holy Spirit, He would create in us a desire to do good things instead of evil things and that this would be demonstrated in our behavior and cause a radical change in our lifestyle.

All of this I agree with.

 However, anyone (according to Ray) that didn't exhibit this radical change had never really ever been filled with the Holy Spirit and was a "False Convert". Therefore, they needed to recognize they were a "False Convert", repent of being one and be saved for real.

Uh. This is where Ray and I parted in our theology.

 I remember thinking, "And by who's standard is Ray judging another person's behavior and lifestyle?

ONLY God can see into a person's heart and mind, therefore only GOD is qualified to judge them.

We have entered into a very interesting time in human history. Back in Ray's day (and mine too, even though I'm several years younger than Ray), most people attended church and were familiar with what the Bible said, even if they weren't Born Again.

This is NOT the case these days. The VAST majority of people who become Born Again and make Jesus the Lord of their lives have NEVER even cracked open a Bible and have NEVER set one foot into a church. They may be quite advanced in years when they become a Christian and have lived some very unholy lives. Although they are immediately saved and forgiven of their sins, which is called "Justification",  their "Sanctification", being brought up into lives of holiness, may take a long time.

I knew a man who had used profanity profusely throughout his sixty years of life. Even years after being a Christian, whenever he got angry or frustrated, his old language would resurface.

Another case involved a man "living in the sin of Fornication with his girlfriend". A full year after he had become Born Again, the congregation was not pleased with him for not changing his lifestyle and were getting ready to "discipline him according to the Scriptures".

The problem with that was the woman he was living with wasn't a Christian, didn't think it was necessary for them to get married, they'd been together for more than a decade and had established a home together along with THEIR THREE CHILDREN❗️ I was of the opinion that we should cut the man some serious slack and allow him some time to work out the problems in his life.

I mean, really, if someone asked you to walk away from your  "wife" and children after celebrating your Tenth Anniversary how easy would that be for you?

This is the problem of calling our fellow Christians "False Converts". It involves a judgment call based on a (very) limited ability to see beyond our own noses and experiences. It can also create all kinds of  unnecessary anxiety in other people's lives. This drains them emotionally, mentally and physically and hinders them from being built up in the Spirit.

After I heard Ray Comfort use the term False Converts, I starting hearing it cropping up amongst his friends, many of whom are also in ministry. People like Kirk Cameron, Mark Spence, Todd Friel and Justin Peters, to name but a few.

But it is Ray Comfort's long term BFF, Ken Ham (Founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis), who has taken this term to the next level. You see Answers in Genesis is not merely a ministry that I don't agree with on a doctrinal basis but actually a cult

All cults use vague, broad terms to describe people who do not belong to their cult in order to create an Us vs Them mentality. It also creates fear and doubt in their own members, keeps them from ever criticizing the Cult leader and is used to keep them under control.

"False Convert" is used by Ken Ham not to describe someone who isn't a genuine Christian but anyone who doesn't wholeheartedly subscribe to his personal interpretation of the Bible, which is quite twisted, although very subtly so.

You must disassociate with people who use this term! It is one of the main identifying factors of anybody who belongs to the Answers in Genesis cult or anyone who is hooked into them in a big way, including Ray Comfort.

The huge irony and tragedy in all of this is that the people who are hurling this term at you are actually the ones who are unaware of what true Christianity is really about.

 This is also textbook cult manipulation. Everything is designed to make you doubt yourself in order to keep you under their control.

So, let's stop focusing on all the nasty people and let me offer you some practical advice.


There is a portion in the Bible that speaks about something called the "unforgivable sin".

"Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. 

 And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 

Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come."

(Matthew 12:30-32)

This particular section of the Bible has caused some serious flip-outs by many a Christian (myself included) when contemplating what this SIN is and whether or not we have accidentally done it and have gone beyond God's forgiveness.

I've been asked about the "unforgivable sin" many times over my forty-six years as a Follower of Jesus and Bible Teacher, so let me answer that and the "Are you a 'False Convert'?" question with basically the same answer.

If you are THAT upset about it, THAT concerned about the condition of your immortal soul, THAT concerned about where you will spend eternity, THAT concerned about not getting the Holy Spirit upset with you and ultimately THAT  concerned about what Jesus thinks about you ... 

... you have NOT commited the "unforgivable sin" and you are NOT a "False Convert."

You may be distressed that your behavior is not changing fast enough for what you would like but that's a wonderful sign too. Try not to get too stressed about your character and behavior because even that has now become Jesus's job to change because He is the "Author and Perfector of our Faith".

 (Hebrews 12)

It is up to you to go to the Lord in prayer.

 Share with Him everything about yourself.

 Share with Him your dreams, hopes, and feelings, whether they be big or small.

Share with Him the troubles you are facing and the things that worry and upset you.

I became a Christian when I was just eleven years old and I approached Jesus just like a child approaches a loving parent. At the end of every day I would read my Bible (because I knew this is the main way Jesus talked to me) and then I would crawl into bed and "mull over my day with Jesus".

I've done this my entire adult life. It has built up our relationship and increased our bonds of intimacy and Jesus has guided and comforted me throughout my life.

 And ultimately, this will gradually change your behavior and character, because you cannot spend time with Jesus and not start to reflect His holiness in your character, behavior and life.

"If it matters to you, it matters to Him" is one of my pithy little sayings that I love to repeat and here's another one,

"Christians don't fail when we FALL, we fail when we FALL and quit getting up again."

This was a rather lengthy post but it is a rather complex topic and I know many Christians who are struggling with this as an issue. I hope I helped to alleviate some of your stress.

We are saved by Jesus dying on the cross and accepting that He died in our place. 

Period!  ❗️

His blood is enough to obliterate EVERY sin we have ever committed or EVER will commit.

It is "God's kindness that is intended to lead you to repentance" ((Romans 2:4) 

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee

I have referred to Answers in Genesis as a cult so I'm going to provide you with a Link for more information about this and why I have come to this conclusion.

A cult is not defined by their beliefs or their size but by their structure and system of controlling their members whether they are religious in nature or not. I am particularly concerned about Answers in Genesis because it is subtle, insidious, hooked up everywhere, been pumping out resources nonstop for decades, global and continues to grow rapidly. I cannot overstate how dangerous they are.

LINK "What Motivated Me to Investigate Answers in Genesis?"

I am also providing a Link to a post I made regarding defining terms. These days we may all be speaking the same language but meaning VERY different things.

For instance, someone who says, "I believe in God" may have a very different version of God than the one in the Bible.

They may say they believe in Heaven, but you need to ask them what their version of Heaven looks like.

They may say they believe in Jesus but you need them to answer the question, "Who do you believe Jesus is?" which is the ultimate question which determines where someone spends Eternity.

LINK "Define Your Terms"

LINK "What Makes a Cult? (Simplified)"  


My blogs have NO Ads and NO Store and I have never met any of the people I have mentioned in this blog post nor do I know any of their workers (present or past).

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

(1 Peter 5:7)