Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

October 10, 2024

Ken Ham is LAUGHING at You 😁


Mom used to say to me when I was a little girl, “Laura-Lee don't pout or your face may freeze that way.”

Behold the face of Ken Ham, Founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis, home of the Creation Museum and “world renowned” Ark Encounter in Kentucky, USA.

He has been manipulating and fleecing people for so long his face has rigored into a mask of “Duping Delight”. 

Plus, he treats and speaks to everyone, no matter how intelligent and learned they may be, as if they were a four year old child.

He expects everyone to pay homage to him to feed his ego and everyone to pay money to him to feed his bank account. 

He views everyone as a Useful Idiot to be duped and deployed as he sees fit.

And the “higher ups” who RUN Answers in Genesis, WRITE for Answers in Genesis, TEACH Children for Answers in Genesis, do PR for Answers in Genesis, are SPEAKERS for Answers in Genesis and have BUSINESS ties with Answers in Genesis are all a case of “Birds of a feather flocking together” They have compromised in order to make money from their association with Ken Ham.

All this is SO blatantly obvious! I mean, the man never opens his mouth without including a sales pitch!

You know, Answers in Genesis stopped being about Creation Science a looooong time ago. Why do you think Ken is constantly rehashing his Glory Days when he debated Bill Nye a full DECADE ago? Because no self-respecting Atheist would stoop to debate Ken these days. He is so ridiculous.

After debating Atheists for the past forty years the main question they now ask me is, “Why don't you Christians get together and stop Ken Ham because he's giving all of you a bad name?”

You know, for the FIRST time in my life, I'm on the side of the Atheists on this one. Why DON'T we stop him? He is making a MOCKERY of the Bible with the ridiculous things he says!

Things like,

There was a Moon Pool on the Ark.

The Tigris and Euphrates were not originally anywhere in the Middle East.

Adam didn't actually name individual animals in the Garden of Eden (only their Kinds)

It's bad to give a “Bathtub” Noah's Ark to little children.

There were several different types of Dinosaurs on the Ark and afterwards 

They were used for manual labor like farming.

Not to mention the fact he has turned the scene of a tragic place for Noah and his family clinging together while God wiped out the entire population of the earth 

into Christian Party HQ

(which more accurately resembles a scene from the movie "Animal House” than a holy place of God's presence).

Are all you Christians who visit the Creation Museum and “world renowned” Ark Encounter so enamored by the experience that you have failed to notice that none of these things are actually IN the BIBLE?! 

Well, Ken Ham is NOT going to laugh at me and certainly not at all the non-Christians who have his number and refer to him as “that greedy Ken Ham”.

Another thing Mom used to tell me, 

“ ‘A fool and their money are soon parted’, so don't be foolish Laura-Lee.”

Okay, Mom. 😌

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee

For further information regarding my research concerning Answers in Genesis (which in my opinion is a Textbook example of a Cult), Please follow the Link.

What Motivated Me to Investigate Answers in Genesis


My blogs have NO Ads, NO Store, I have never met Ken Ham nor do I know any Worker at Answers in Genesis (present or past).

Ken Ham and Martyn Iles

(Co CEOs of Answers in Genesis)