Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

October 01, 2024

Poilievre on Drugs


Cannabis has been completely legal in Canada for years. Now the individual Provinces have started systematically making hardcore street Drugs legal if you are in possession of it in smaller amounts (only enough for individual use).

Prostitution and Theft (which feeds off of the drug industry) would be almost eradicated if the drug trade was stopped.

I keep asking myself “What kind of Leadership wants their entire country stoned?”.

I'm sick of hearing how “fabulous”  Pierre Poilievre is and how he's going to “save us” all because he wants to stop a Carbon Tax. I want to know “How is he going to stop the flow of Drugs into this country (which now includes deadly Fentanyl) and get the more than 10 MILLION Canadians, who are now hardcore drug addicts, Clean and Sober again?”. Because until he can get us thinking straight and able to function properly again Canada is doomed and the rest is all just semantics.

Until he gives us some straight answers and real plans about how he is going to solve this absolutely fundamental issue, I am going to chuck him on the pile with every other slick-talking politician I've seen show up, make nice sounding promises, get elected and then do nothing but grandstand and spend our money however they please once they finally get their butts on the power-side of the aisle in the House of Commons

Just as I've been watching happen for more than HALF a CENTURY!


The TRUTH with Love,

Always Laura-Lee 🫡

Behold, Canada's Generation Z

🫲 Behold

🫲 Behold



God, Keep our land glorious and free. Amen.”  😔