Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

October 17, 2024

The IMMIGRATION Issue (Simplified)


We're hearing a lot about Immigration right now and all of the problems it is creating in various countries. In an attempt to help you see past all the seemingly endless, opposite and convoluted reasoning, I'm going to boil it down to the basics.


Let's suppose you owned a really nice house that you worked hard to get. Then one day you decided you wanted to make some new friends so you went out and bought a fabulous big screen and an awesome sound system with the goal of inviting a bunch of people over to watch some movies and sporting events.

Then you went out to pick up a bunch of drinks and food to stock up your fridge in anticipation for their arrival.

While you were out, you discovered that the rumors had spread throughout your neighborhood that you had gotten all this cool stuff. But you also discovered that several people in the surrounding towns also knew about your “tricked out” equipment.

When you got home you discovered that someone in your house had put out the “Welcome” Mat and propped open your front door. You rushed inside, checked that all your belongings were still there and closed and locked your door but you left the “Welcome” mat there because you really do want to invite people in. 

(Don't forget to put all your groceries in your fridge before they spoil.)

Shortly after you have put away your groceries in your fridge (☝️in descending order according to the expiration dates) you hear a knock at your door. On your porch you see a man and a twelve year old boy that you don't know and ask,

“Who are you?”

The man responds, πŸ˜€πŸ™‹πŸ»

“Hi there. I'm your new neighbor Mitch and this is my son, Rufus. We saw you haul in all your cool, new equipment and we were wondering if you would let us have a look at it.”

Now, you might decide to take a risk and invite them in 


you might hesitate and respond with,

Uh. Now is not really a good time for me.” πŸ˜’

Now if Mitch (and Rufus) are REALLY good, decent people they will completely understand your hesitation and respond with something like,

No problem. Maybe another time when it's more convenient.”

They are going to allow you the time to discover more about them without being offended by it.


Now let's take this to the bigger scale of Immigration.

You have a wonderful country, filled with great resources which the people from the neighboring countries know about. 

Do you leave your door wide open 


Do you keep it closed and locked so you can take the time to properly identify who the new people are and discover more about them BEFORE you invite them in?

This is at the heart of this very intense and intricate debate over immigration. Try to keep this image in mind as people meander all over the place with their various arguments.

And also be aware that MANY people who are discussing this are very far removed from the consequences of what they are proposing and/or have hidden agendas they wish to push on others.

As a final piece of advice, I think you REALLY need to discover EXACTLY who left your door open so you can make them stop doing it.

I hope this helps to clarify the topic for you. 🫠

The Truth, with Love,

Always Laura-Lee 

Here are some other of my "Simplified" blog posts that might help you.

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