Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

June 10, 2024

Answers in Genesis: "How Do You Spend Our Money" ❓️ (Donors, Patrons & Taxpayers Demand Answers)


We live in a Three Dimensional (3D) World but Answers in Genesis CEO, Martyn Iles, is building a VR, AI controlled 5D Metaverse to UPLOAD the AiG curriculum directly into Children's brains.

(What are these two extra dimensions❓️)

AiG just purchased 100  new 3D Printers.

(Why do they need so many❓️)

They are rebuilding Babel next to the “world famous” Ark Encounter.

(Do they think God will be pleased with this❓️)

They have a MASSIVE, swanky new building.

(Do they really need one that big❓️

Several construction projects are currently underway.

… and on and on it goes.

And all of this funded by your DONATIONS and Tax Grants.

Don't you think it's about time Martyn, Ken and crew start giving some REAL and DETAILED explanations about WHAT exactly they are doing and HOW exactly they are spending your money, instead of a few vague references and the occasional photograph?

"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them" 

(Romans 1:18-19)

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee 

Below is the LINK to contact Answers in Genesis. Scroll past all their Yada, Yada  garbage (which is designed to deter you from giving them feedback) to the Form at the bottom of the page and start asking QUESTIONS

And remember to include you are a Christian who believes the Bible is true, or they will delete your message immediately as just another Atheist who is persecuting them.

LINK AiG Rebuilding the Tower of Babel

LINK Martyn Iles Officially Made CEO of Answers in Genesis

LINK Explanation by Yuval Harare of What Artificial Intelligence (AI) can NOW Do

Yuval Noah Harare is the most influential man on the planet. Chief scientific advisor to the World Economic Forum, UN and World Health Organization  (WHO)

LINK "How Does 3D Printing Work" video "If you can THINK it, You can PRINT it"