Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

June 29, 2024

The Abortion Pill: DEATH on Steroids

Did you really think the Planned Parenthood/ProChoice People were just going to accept the overturning of Roe v. Wade with nothing more than a few angry protests? The Abortion industry makes Trillions (that's TRILLIONS not Billions) of dollars every year and they have no intention of letting any of that go. 

So they sent a bunch of angry, young women into the streets to protest and spout the same Damn line I've been listening to for four decades, “My body, My choice!” while they flipped to Plan B with the Pharmaceutical companies (also poised to make Trillions of dollars) ready to help them out.

Enter the Abortion Pill, MIFEPRISTONE, which is now available everywhere and being tossed out in the same manner you see candy tossed from a parade float, without any discrimination, without any restraint and available to anyone.

US Brand Name

  1. Korlym

  2. Mifeprex


Mifepristone is used in a regimen together with misoprostol to end a pregnancy that is less than 70 days in duration. It works by stopping the supply of hormones that maintains the interior of the uterus. Without these hormones, the uterus cannot support the pregnancy and the contents of the uterus are expelled.

This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription.”

(source. The Mayo Clinic)

So you are sent home with these prescriptions, you have some cramping, go to the bathroom, expel the baby into the toilet and flush it into the sewers. “Problem” solved.

Just one small thing, it's your CHILD you just killed!

And keep in mind this baby will not die right away like with a Suction Abortion where it is sucked out of its mothers womb one small piece at a time. Nooooooo. These babies have never sucked oxygen yet and get what they need through their mom's umbilical cord, so they will float around in the sewage and die gradually.

I tried to find reliable medical information (not given out by ProChoice websites like Planned Parenthood who are “slightly” biased because of the oodles of money they will make) about how dangerous taking these drugs may be. Particularly such things as side effects, contraindications and long-term effects but quite frankly there is just no data available, but it's a no-brainer that this is going to affect women's bodies in a big, huge way.

You may ask the question, “Where is the ProLife voice in all of this?” I'd like to know that too.

Hello! Yes. I'm talking to you.

Oh, but Laura-Lee, I've been taking a hardcore stance against Abortion for many years.”

Right. Once a year, on a pleasant, summer day we gather the family to meet in a park, listen to some rousing speeches, go for a little stroll and then pat ourselves on the back for the other 364 days of the year about our “hardcore stance against Abortion”. No wonder nothing ever changes. The Politicians can see that we are not serious and have no trouble avoiding and ignoring us for one Saturday a year.

Oh, but Laura-Lee, this isn't my ministry. This isn't what God has called me to do.

(I'm not going to touch that one. I'll wait to hear you answer that question more fully when you stand before the Almighty on Judgement Day, surrounded by the millions of aborted babies who died because we didn't stop their mothers murderers. )

MY question is “Where are the FATHERS of these aborted children?” 

You know, Dads, these are YOUR sons and daughters your wives and girlfriends have just killed and flushed their little bodies to float around with other people's shit.  Don't YOU have a right to say something about that?!

You had the balls to father these children, now have the balls to fight for their lives!

Just as I continue to fight for the lives of the unborn in any way I can and strive to bring you …

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

(John 10:10)