Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

May 13, 2024

Protecting Yourself From the Answers in Genesis Worldwide Cult



All cults use the same methods to recruit new members and I will be using Answers in Genesis as a template as to how that is done in order that you may protect yourself from them specifically and Cults in general.

Front Men/Women and Activities:

Cults are always trying to entice people into their midst. The way they do this is by having seemingly knowledgeable and likable "front men" to reach out to people. 

(I will exclude discussing their Leader, Ken Ham, at this time.)

ALL cults employ in a subtle way the tactic of setting up a group of elite "experts". It is meant to make you feel stupid and be compliant and to ruminate within you the attitude of,

"Who Am I to question these people?" ๐Ÿ˜”

This is at the core of every Totalitarian Regime or movement like Communism, Fascism, Marxism, etc. It is one of the key elements to defining a Cult.

At Answers in Genesis their "Outreach" endeavors include, but are not limited to, the Creation Museum, the "world famous" Ark Encounter, Answers TV (paid subscription service) and tons of videos circulated on Facebook and at YouTube by their devotees. 

They are seeking people who are feeling isolated, lonely, anxious, fearful and confused and who are NOT Bible literate. 

Also, about ⅓ of the visitors to the Creation Museum and "world famous" Ark Encounter are NOT Christians. They are overwhelmed by their "encounter" and inevitably seek out more information about them online later.

As for the Front men at Answers in Genesis, you will see several people who keep cropping up.

Their biggest (literally and figuratively) is their new CEO Martyn Iles, who I will single out later.

They also have:

Rob Webb aka. "Rocket Rob" (Aerospace Engineer. Formerly from NASA)

Dr. Georgia Purdom (Molecular Geneticist)

Bryan Osborne (who is their main MC)

Dr. Tim Chaffey (Content Manager for the "world famous" Ark Encounter)

Calvin Smith (Executive Director of AiG Canada๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ)

 … and a myriad of others.

(Follow the Link I have included to the "Answers in Genesis Staff Bios" page for further information.

I would also like to give "honorable" mentions to music group, Truesong and Buddy Davis (who also records music for them and hosts the AnswersTV show, "Out and About")


Since I have access to these individuals in varying degrees, I cannot make a complete and in depth analysis on them, but we must start by asking the question, "How aware are they that they are doing this?"

I would like to zero in on Dr. Purdom, Rob Webb and Calvin Smith because I have watched each of  them extensively give several talks.

Dr. Purdom is apparently an "expert" in Genetics but in her talks she has said things that do not align with the basic facts of biology.

"Rocket" Rob says things in his talks that do not align with the basic laws of physics.

Calvin Smith drones on endlessly (while wearing a very Canadian Mac Shirt and adding the occasional "eh?"), in a convoluted manner, rehashed content from Answers in Genesis America. (Very UN-Canadian)

This has led me to conclude that they fall into the category of "reconditioned" and basically have put their ability for "higher reasoning" on the back burner and are merely giving rehearsed talks while on autopilot. This is also demonstrated in the fact they keep using the same slide shows and their blogs use the same recurring phrases.


This is a MASSIVE topic because Answers in Genesis has been pumping out curriculum for 30 years and circulating it amongst churches through Sunday Schools and Vacation Bible Schools (aka. VBS), which are short Summer events put on by local churches. But the people who write their curriculum are quite aware of what they are doing and are probably motivated solely by financial gain. 

In order to educate (indoctrinate) others you must first be aware of the truth in order to be able to reason out how to twist it. Then express this in writing that manipulates the thinking of others. Their brains are NOT on autopilot. 

Now, as to Martyn Iles, who I am the most familiar with because I have been watching his videos for years since I first discovered his online content in his previous roll as the Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby.

I was originally most impressed by his capabilities for systematic thought and getting to the crux of even the most complex topics. But that was THEN and this is NOW and I have sadly witnessed his  brain turn to mush in this past year working at Answers in Genesis. I remain on the fence when trying to draw a conclusion as to how aware he is of what he is doing. 

One moment I think "He is a lawyer, has spent years working amongst politicians and has access to all Answers in Genesis records and if I can see these things from the 'outside' surely he sees them from the 'inside'."

Yet, I see the erosion of his mental faculties and think it may be due to conditioning. He admits that he started viewing videos by Ken Ham when he was only six years old and was influenced greatly by AiG content throughout his life (including songs by Buddy Davis).

Also, his talks are very rehearsed and he has begun doing very unChrist like things and spouting out Biblical nonsense that there is no way he would have done before he came to work for Answers in Genesis.

Let's Get Practical:

Why everyone is behaving as they do is beside the point. This post is about warning you of how they are trying to lure you in and ensnare you. None of their tactics are unusual. They are a textbook case of how Cults operate, whether they are religious in nature or political, financial, or revolve around self-help programs, diet and exercise groups or "personal growth" therapy.

But you need to be made aware of these things because ALL cults have a shelf-life that usually end in death! Either death by suicide, death by terrorist activities or death by both (Suicide bombings) Think of the end of religious cults like Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate and Waco. Very tragic ends. 

OR they end in Sex scandals like Ravi Zacharias and Hillsong.

But in the case of Answers in Genesis God is being merciful and giving us a "heads up" in order that tragedy may be averted. I personally implore you to take the things that I am saying to heart. However, I do NOT expect you to take what I say point blank. In fact, quite the opposite. This is merely a starting point. These things are NOT hidden.

If you have had nothing to do with Answers in Genesis so far then count yourself to have "dodged a bullet" and completely avoid them. 

However, if you have had some kind of "encounter" with them then you MUST investigate it further. 

If you find yourself actually ANGRY at the things I have just said, then you may well be indoctrinated by them at some level. I pray God will release you from them.

If I am in error and Ken and his group are telling the truth then they should be able to undergo intense scrutiny (as all real truth can). But you must strive to do this quietly and on your own because, if they catch you doing this, they will do everything in their power to stop you.

I also find it amazing that no official agency of any authority has done an investigation of them. They make hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars each year yet they seem to side step being audited by the Internal Revenue Service (Revenue Canada). But we must keep in mind that they are insidiously and secretly hooked up everywhere (just like the Freemasons) and there are very few people  these days who cannot be bought off if their palms are greased with a million bucks.


Let me end with something positive. Jesus.

If you are not a Christian, this may all seem very horrible and your instinct would be to stay away from anything religious. But I beg you not to do this. Jesus is more upset about all of this than anyone else and this is why He has me shining His light of Truth on it.

 I wish we still lived in a day and age when men who stood in pulpits and called themselves Christians were men of virtue and integrity, but that simply isn't the case anymore. I know of many Christians who travel for hours every Sunday just to get to a Church where they will hear the truth from the Bible because there is no longer a church that does this anywhere near them. But they realize the great value of meeting with other REAL Christians and learning to know God better.

I find myself telling people the same thing repeatedly, "If you can read, then you need to read the Bible FOR YOURSELVES!"

REMEMBER, the Bible is 66 smaller books rolled into one volume, so I  recommend you do NOT start at the beginning but start in the book of Matthew.  It is the first book that gives an account of the life of Jesus. (followed by the books of Mark, Luke and John)

Focus your search on Jesus himself and, if you earnestly search to discover if He is real, I promise that you will. Just as I did 46 years ago when I discovered …

The Truth, with Love,

Always Laura-Lee

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." 

(Jeremiah 29:13)


UPDATE May 30, 2024

I was a great supporter of Ray Comfort (Living Waters) ever since I saw the wonderful movie he made called, "Audacity" many years ago.

I bought his New Evidence Bible hot off the presses AND paid FULL price, even though I'm a total Penny-Pincher, but

that was THEN and this is NOW❗️

For the last few years Ray, and his Living Waters Co-Horts, Kirk Cameron, Mark Spence, E-Z Zwayne have taken to doing hardcore Promo and Selling for his "good friend Ken Ham" that has nothing to do with telling people about Jesus but only ro make a BUCK OFF the BIBLE❗️๐Ÿ˜ก

Bye, bye, Ray-Ray. ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป‍♀️

Link "ONLY JESUS" Casting Crowns ๐ŸŽถ


LINK "Answers in Genesis is a CULT"

LINK "Answers in Genesis Rebuilding the Tower of Babel"

LINK "Martyn Iles Officially Made CEO of Answers in Genesis"

 LINK How to Leave a Toxic Church by Christian Shaneen Megji

LINK "How to Spot a Cult" at Youtube Channel COGITO

(I have recommended the above video, even though it is not Christian, because it goes beyond just religious cults into ALL cults (which all follow the same patterns) and is well documented, including clips from former cult members who have escaped) LLR



I have never worked for (or been affiliated) with Answers in Genesis, I don't know any of their employees (past or present) personally, my blogs have NO Advertising and I do not have a Store to "Hawk my merch". LLR