Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

May 11, 2024

Laura-Lee Interviewed "ON the RECORD"

It's important that people know exactly what you stand for. With that in mind, I give the interview of a lifetime to reveal all my deepest thoughts and greatest wisdom to 

the nations and go …

  On the Record.


Thank you for taking the time to do this "On the Record" interview with us, Laura-Lee.

Don't mention it.

Can I start with some personal questions?

I'm game. Shoot.

Where do you live?

Neither here nor there.

How tall are you?

Bigger than a bread box but smaller than a house.

How old are you?

Older than mold but younger than dirt.

Have you seen much of the world?

I've seen more than I need to but less then I ought to.

What are your favorite places to travel to?

'Round abouts.

How do you keep your trim figure?

I eat too much but not enough.

What do you do in your spare time?

A little of this and a little of that.

How many hours do you spend each day watching YouTube videos?

More than I need to but less than I ought to.

Have you ever done something you are truly ashamed of?

That's neither here nor there.

Where did you come up with the name "Laura-Lee Was Here" for your blog?

That's for me to know and you to find out.

You recently celebrated a milestone birthday. Reflecting on your life what have you learned?

A little of this and a little of that.


 that I know more than I need to but less than I ought to.

What wisdom have you gleaned from interacting with other people?

Less is more.

Now, speaking as both a great Christian and a great Behaviorist, let me ask you some very pertinent questions.

You're the man.

How did you develop your skills to become such a great Behaviorist?

I see everything but perceive nothing.

What do you think is wrong with the modern Church today?

They see everything but perceive nothing.

What advice do you have for young Ministers and Pastors just graduating?

Less is more.

What should people do to help themselves "tame their tongues" and not speak in anger?

Count to 10, then backwards from 100.

Do you ever think you will consider Evolution as a plausible Theory?

When pigs fly!

We live in very turbulent times. What are the top three things you think people should be looking to gain when interacting with others?

Number one, Grit.

B, Grub,

and number four, Guarantees.

What do you recommend people do to get a good night's sleep?

Count to 10, then backwards from 100.

As we draw this interview to an end,

what last pearls of wisdom do you have to share with us?

Don't ever start playing with a Rubik's Cube unless you have a three year old to solve it for you.

The person who "rides shotgun" always gets to choose the music.

Don't wear horizontal stripes.

One can never have too many doilies.

Don't lick the knife.

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Every action has an equal and opposite inaction.

Elvis has left the building.

Cut 'em off at the pass.

And, of course, bubbles, bubbles, and more  bubbles.

So, will you keep publishing your popular "Laura-Lee Was Here" blog?

I may or may not.

Looking back on your long life, do you have any regrets?

Ah, If I knew then what I know now.

And what do you know now?

More than I need to but less than I ought to.

And what are the greatest Life Lessons you have gleaned throughout the years?

Shoot straight from the hip,

Less is More,

Be that as it may,

How to count to 10 then backwards from 100,

Elvis has left the building

and, of course, bubbles, bubbles and more bubbles.

Do you have any aspirations to run for Political Office?

Could be. I may or may not.

Well, let me thank you for taking the time to answer these questions On the Record, Laura-Lee.

It was the 'be all that ends all'.


(Now that we're off the record, Laura-Lee, let me ask you, 'did you enjoy being interviewed"?

Too much but not enough.)
