Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

June 07, 2024

Where Does Your Paycheck Come From? (New International Laws You MUST Comply With)


Consider this a major, "Heads Up!" You need to be aware of where EVERY penny you make comes from. 

It's too huge a topic to get into right now but there are International Laws just passed that say you MUST comply with governing ideologies about things like Gender, Diversity, Inclusivity, and Environmental (Climate Change) policies. It's not just merely YOUR company but every company you do business with and interact with (ex. licensing agreements, suppliers, subcontractors, affiliate selling programs, monetization, etc)

I’m WATCHING this all unfold but a lot of it is in very vague language, terms and phrases which are not specifically defined ... yet. 🧐🤨

I will speak about it more as I learn more and strive to bring you …

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee