Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

June 28, 2024

Equality Vs Equity (Simplified)


 These days we should always be getting people to define their terms and not just assuming they mean the same thing as we do.

"EQUITY" sounds so wonderful. Who wouldn't want that for EVERYBODY?😊

But it doesn't mean the same thing as "EQUALITY". 


It's like that famous quote from George Orwell's book, "Animal Farm",

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." 

THAT is what "equity" is. The difference is opportunity.

Let's take the Feminist movement as an example.

When I was a child it was just getting some traction in big way and was called, "The Women's Liberation Movement".

Just like the Suffragette movement, that sought for women to have the same right to vote as men, the Women's Lib movement wanted women to be granted the same rights as men in every aspect of life. At that time a woman would do the exact same job as a man, like being a teacher, but the man would make significantly more money. 

But like an old, black train going into a tunnel with a locomotive propelled by coal and coming out as a silver one at a super high speed propelled by electricity, these two things look, behave and perform EXTREMELY different.

These days the word "equity" (which is usually linked to Diversity and Inclusivity) refers to just the opposite of equality. It involves "quotas". A company or organization is forced by law to hire a certain amount of women whether they merit it or not. A man who is much more qualified and experienced cannot even vy for the same job as a woman solely because he is a Man.

This quota based system now also applies to black people and LGBTQ+ people. So if you are a black, lesbian woman  you are a shoe in for a job if a quota needs to be met. Whether or not you are the most qualified person to do it no longer matters.

A prime example of this being American Karine Jean-Pierre who is cringingly bad at her job. πŸ˜–

Once again I urge you to define YOUR terms and especially get others to define THEIRS! Don't just assume you are all on the same page. But most of all we must all keep TALKING  to each other. If we allow Cancel Culture to silence us we will never be able to get it together and we are sunk. 

Your voice matters especially if you are striving to bring...

The Truth with Love,


Always Laura-Lee