Time to cut to the chase!
Martyn does not merely work for Answers in Genesis, he is the LEADER of it.
He is rebuilding the Tower of Babel and he has dedicated TENS of Millions of dollars and THOUSANDS of AiG Employees and Followers to help create his own personal AI controlled, 5D Metaverse with the ultimate goal to have everyone in the world hooked into it in order to make money, gain power and to "make a name for himself".
He has deluded himself into believing that this is a good, healthy way to Upload the Bible into people and he is doing it FOR Jesus. Nothing could be further from the Truth. Jesus is NOT honored by His precious Children being hooked into an Artificial Intelligence controlled, Virtual Reality Environment.
If Martyn does not stop his evil agenda, he must be prepared to "reap the whirlwind".
"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."
(Hebrews 10:31)