Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

March 19, 2024

Flat Earth Theory Simplified


Basic depiction of how most Flat-Earthers view the Earth

I first encountered Flat Earth as a Theory about 15 years ago and did a deep investigation into it and found some very surprising things.

I started out not merely skeptical but considered those who believed it as obviously ignorant and deluded, but was surprised to find them quite the opposite. They are people who think systematically, don't just take things at face value and require proof. 

It starts with a very simple experiment that just about anybody can do these days. If you have ever lived near an ocean or any flat ground that goes on for a long way, you are accustomed to what it looks like to see a car or boat appear to sink away from view the further away it gets. The reason for this, modern science tells us, is because the earth is a round ball.

However, now with modern cameras, if you look through a Zoom lense you can still see the ship or vehicle clearly, so the conclusion is it's merely an optical illusion. 

Attached to the Flat Earth theory is the belief that NASA staged the first moon landing and has been feeding us lies ever since. Upon examining the footage of Neil Armstrong's first walk on the moon (many times) I realize they have some valid points and questions, such as, 

"why is the flag waving when there is no wind on the moon?" and 

"why do the Astronauts cast more than one shadow when they were supposed to have only one light source? The sun."

Secondly, many pictures of the earth (as a globe) taken from space have been proven to be either enhanced or just plain painted. So the moment you start embracing the idea that the Government and it's science arm, NASA are lying to us, even on just a few things, you stop trusting anyone and anything about everything.

I have no problem believing NASA and the American Government staged the first moon landing. In fact, I might have done the same thing. Remember America was in a "Space Race" with communist Russia (known at the time as the Soviet Union) and they seemed to be losing to the Soviets. This was unacceptable to the stability of peace of the world because both America and the Soviet Union had Nuclear Arsenals. If the Communists won and got "superiority in space", the free world would have been in heaps of trouble. AMERICA HAD TO WIN!

I believe they eventually did walk on the moon but the first time it may have been staged. It certainly seems to point that way.

Not knowing who to trust to tell them the truth, people turned to the Bible for God's Truth to stabilize them. They read with new eyes verses like,

"And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the FOUR CORNERS of the Earth." (Isaiah 11:12)


"He sits enthroned above the CIRCLE of the earth,

    and its people are like grasshoppers.

He stretches out the heavens like a CANOPY,

    and spreads them out like a tent to live in." (Isaiah 40:22) Emphasis mine 

And many, many more such verses. I have barely touched on the mounds of evidence they have. There is a very good reason this is a huge movement and continues to grow exponentially, especially amongst Christians. 

But it was one person being interviewed that made me truly pause, take time to think this through and seek the Lord as to whether this theory could possibly have substance. He was the Leader of a very large group of Flat-Earthers in the UK and stated that he wished he could go back in time, unknow what he had discovered and stop believing in a Flat Earth theory. Now he trusted nobody and found no joy in Creation because he believed that there was a conspiracy of lies and he didn't even trust his Fellow Believers anymore. That's when I realized this was truly a trick of Satan.

Also, because of something I learned in 1971, when I was only five years old. (Oops!πŸ™Š Accidentally outed my age on the Internet again) My father was an airplane engineer and also a pilot and I saw him plotting out a Flight Plan one day and asked, "Dad, why are your Flight Plans always curved? Wouldn't it be faster to just fly straight there?"

"I can't, Laura-Lee, because the Earth is a ball, like your brother's globe." Then he demonstrated that even though a Flight Plan looks curved on a flat piece of paper, it's actually a straight line when you're flying to places around the planet.

Is NASA and our Governments lying to us? I don't think that's a hard one to dispute after living through the COVID Pandemic.

Does the Bible say the earth is flat? For every verse that paints a poetic word picture that sounds like it is, there are more that back up the fact that we are on a circular sphere. 

As to the "sinking beneath the horizon" experiment? It actually is only partially an optical illusion. With a Zoom camera lense you can see what your naked eye can't, however, if you have an even more powerful lense (the kind not available to just us regular folks) a vehicle or ship will eventually dip beneath the horizon. You have to keep in mind how huge the earth is and it takes a GREAT deal of distance before its curvature will affect what can be seen.

This has been my simple attempt to educate you on this vast topic, to bring patience and understanding amongst Christians who hold fast to God's Word when faced with the confusing arguments of modern science and to bring peace of mind to the members of this movement who are reeling from being lied to.

Whatever you believe, keep in mind that God knows how He created things and someday we will know the full truth too. Seek Jesus, who is not a Lord of confusion and worry but the Prince of PEACE and rediscover the joy of being out in God's wonderful Creation like you did when you were a child.

Be comforted by the indisputable knowledge that God STILL has "the Whole World in His hands". And not just the world but the Universe and Eternity too.

"The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,

    the world, and all who live in it;

 for he founded it on the seas

    and established it on the waters." (Psalm 24:1-2)

The Truth with Love, 

 Always Laura-Lee 

As to the MTV moon flag?