Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

September 02, 2023

My Cat is Driving Me Insane❗️


My Cat, MONTY, is driving me INSANE❗️😵‍💫🤯

He's going through my cupboards and removing the contents regularly.

His scratching and rub down requirements are growing exponentially.

His eating habits are deteriorating rapidly.

What can I do? 🤷‍♀️

I can't give him away (nobody wants him).

I can't convince him to go South for the Winter (even though I've offered to buy him his own place in Arizona).

I can't eat him (at least not without Grey Poupon Mustard).

So, I ask you again, "What can I do?" except...


Yes. It was 10 years ago, Monday, September 2, (Labour Day Weekend here in Canada) that I went into my local Humane Society and adopted "Montgomery" (name assigned to him) after he had been retrieved from the garbage bin outside of an apartment building where his "precious" previous owners had tossed him.

It's been quite  a ride, I'll tell you. But with hind-sight I realize that I didn't just rescue him, he rescued me right back. 🥹

I love you, Little Buddy. 🤗❤️😻


And for  your viewing enjoyment I am providing a Link to the video I made of one of the first nights I shared with MONTY. 

I'd had barn cats growing up but MONTY was my first house cat and it took some major adjusting to get used to his ways. Especially all his shenanigans in the night which were manifested by him

 hiding in various bags and purses,

destroying any paper he could find, 

removing my books from the shelves,

and taking a running jump onto small rugs in order to ride them around.

In the years since then we have BOTH grown much more mellow. He will sleep several hours at night (in addition to the ones during the day) and I disconnect the burners on my electric stove and wish him "Happy Hunting" before I go to bed.

The Truth with Love, 

 Always Laura-Lee 

LINK "A Night with MONTY"

#LauraLeeWasHere   #MONTYwasHereToo