Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

January 10, 2023

I'm Scared


Everything is so scary. There is so much confusion and darkness and evil around me. It seems like so many people are not just deluded but down right insane. It's all too hard for me to endure now so how will I endure when everything gets even harder?🥺

I need to go to my prayer closet, thank God that He has spared me the worst of it, and curl up in His presence and stay there until He comes to Rapture the Church to heaven or at least until things get better here on earth. Amen.😔


Jesus is coming back soon. I may not know exactly when but I can see the "signs of the times" and I am NOT going to give in to the surrounding darkness. The days may be evil and dark but Jesus is STILL the "Light of the World" and as His  "Ambassadors for Christ"  we need to speak about His Light and His Life wherever He puts us.  (Matthew 5:14-16)

Push back the darkness with me. "Let your light shine before men so they will see your good works and GLORIFY OUR FATHER in Heaven".  (Matthew 5:16)

Let's embrace LIFE. Tell our hearts to "Beat Again" because we have been Born Again (John 3)

You can do this if God's Holy Spirit is inside of you.

If it isn't? You had better ask Jesus for it because, Brothers and Sisters, you are SO going to need it.

The Truth with Love 

Always, Laura-Lee 

LINK "Tell Your Heart to Beat Again" music video

LINK "Pushing Back the Dark" music video

LINK Carter Conlon "Everything Can Change in a Heartbeat"

LINK Carter Conlon "Are We in the Last Days"?

Your little gift for scrolling to the bottom of the page. ☺️🎁

LINK "Pushing Back the Dark" (back of a van version)