Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

May 22, 2022

WWMD? What Would Mom Do?


I attended a small, Christian High School from grade 8 to grade 12 and it was governed by a Board of Directors. Through the years this board was predominantly made up of the Baptist and Christian Reformed Ministers who were the parents of the kids I went to school with. 

I was on Student Council for two years, both in grade 10 and again in grade 12 and I remember The Board was the bane of my existence. We were forever trying to get simple things like a Square Dance or a trip to the Roller Skating rink the thumbs up, but The Board was like a massive wall of resistance because they considered these activities "too worldly" for their children to take part in.

I often think of The Board these days and of all the parents of my friends and classmates that I came to know throughout my five years at Vancouver Christian Secondary School.  I also remember the teachers I had who influenced me and made an impact on my growing up years, which I still feel even to this day. Almost all of them are dead now and we, their children and grandchildren, have taken the "top rung" in our world and society.

What would they say if they if they knew children were being given puberty blockers at the age of 10 which would forever change their bodies and render them sterile?

 Or if they knew teenagers were allowed to have their genitals cut off by a surgeon without their parents knowledge? 

Or if the school curriculum taught that there was no such thing as boys and girls and that gender was fluid and "assigned at birth"? 

Or if drag queens were telling stories to preschoolers or entertaining their aged parents in nursing homes?

Or if marxists agendas were being pushed on society non-stop?

Or the government had illegal access to all our medical files?

Or if JUST ONE Minister was sitting in jail because he had the audacity to keep the doors of his church open and keep preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to whomever wished to hear it?

Or if there was a satanist temple operating unhindered in every major city and large town? 

Or if abortions were free to women of any age right up until birth?

Would they be fearful of cancel culture or that some people would stop "Liking" them?

I grew up without a father present and my mother was in a wheelchair before she was even fifty years old however,

 if Mom had access to the internet and a WORLD wide audience through social media and could make her opinions known at the simple touch of a screen, she would NOT be posting about the weather or sharing photos of her latest meal.

I don't know what your parents would be doing, but I know my own sweet, compassionate, big-hearted, meek, little, Christian mother would be ...


Have a pleasant Sabbath Day rest everybody.

Truth, with Love,

Always, Laura-Lee