Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

June 18, 2020

Laura-Lee Slows Attack on Romania

I don't spend much time focusing on how many people are reading my blog posts. One or one hundred. A visit is a visit. But I do read the statistics because I like to see who is reading them.

I stopped in today to discover that this opinionated, Canadian, Christian, spinster has received more visits from the country of Romania then Canada and the United States COMBINED! I was so surprised by this I went to check on the current news in Romania to see if something particularly different or drastic had happened this week to them. But not anything I can see. Unless a massive attack of boredom hit them.

Screenshot of my Statistics page for this past week.

What is also an odd occurrence is that within the last month I watched a few travels shows about Romania. I would like to personally recommend the one by Rick Steves. I was struck by their harsh past, diversity of peoples and beautiful landscapes and countryside. However, I haven't mentioned or focused on Romania in any blog post, so I can only reason that God is particularly concerned with this country at this time that He would motivate me to learn more about them. And also that they have found their way into my heart and prayers.

At any rate, the more I learn about this small country the more I admire it. So, even though slightly puzzled by their attention, I am deeply flattered by it too. Both here and at my blog, The Bible and the Biz. And to my new Romanian visitors, ... I thank you for the compliment and specifically invite you to visit me here, at my online home, anytime.

Love, Laura-Lee

The Romania Insider (news site)

Rick Steves in Romania YouTube video.

PS. I want to remind all those who speak English as a second language that I have a Translation app on my blog homepages. (See Right Column) Because I am happy, happy, happy to welcome anyone from ANY country to join me here. LL

ROMANIA: A Country of Diverse Cultures and Ways of Life.

Thank you for stopping by again. LL