Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

October 27, 2016

Krauss vs Comfort: MY [Extended] Comments

LINK to above YouTube video "Lawrence Krauss vs Ray Comfort"


Krauss made an excellent observation: about "INTENT".

I believe it is at the entire heart, square one or the foundation of the debate of Atheism VS Christianity.

Something in nature can have structure & order (like the snowflake Krauss uses as an example) but it's a chemical process set in motion that is repeating itself.
Another example could be the changing seasons which is also a process repeating itself.

But what about a cow? Or a flower ? Or a Human Being? These aren't mere chemical processes being repeated. They each have their particular DNA code completely formed in each cell in their body.because they are alive.

So you can't apply the set-in-motion-process to EVERYTHING in nature. Especially living things because they all have their own individual and unique DNA.

Even the snowflake, which Krauss says is merely a repeated chemical process, is unique. As even the smallest child knows, no two snowflakes are alike. That includes all the ones that were ever created or ever will be created.

Is there a reason for this massive INDIVIDUALITY found in nature?




(And we haven't even looked at Humans Beings yet.)

Why are humans the only living creatures self-aware?

Why do Humans possess morality and a sense of justice?
Where did we get it from?

(And we haven't even come near the question of what 'kick-started' everything on earth and in the universe).


Was everything made by a SUPERnatural God or was it all formed by accidental mutations over millions and millions of years?
Every mutation that science now has the ability to examine always results in corruption not enhancement or improvement.

These are the questions science has been trying to answer and still hasn't been able to. Even though science continues to gather more evidence in support of the Bible and destroy Atheism faster than most Christians can, why do people persist in their Atheism?

As more scientists continue to 'jump the ship' of Atheism and head for the Bible version of Creation and the explanation of natural things, Atheists are left standing with very 'empty hands'. Their main answer to almost any question is, "I don't believe in the God of the Bible,"

What are our origins? "I don't know, but I don't believe in the God of the Bible,"

What was the first form of life? "I don't know, but I don't believe in the God of the Bible,"

Why am I here? "I don't know, but I don't believe in the God of the Bible,"

Do I have a purpose? "I don't know, but I don't believe in the God of the Bible,"

Why is there such individuality yet such order to the Universe? "I don't know, but I don't believe in the God of the Bible,"

What happens after we die? "I don't know, but I definitely don't believe in the God of the Bible!"

Well, I DO believe in the God of the Bible and I am encouraging you to go to Him directly for the answers to your questions. Asking questions is a good thing. If you look for the Truth with an open mind and a humble heart, God will answer and show you

".... and the Truth will set you free."

Sincerely, Laura-Lee

Living Waters (HOME)

"The Atheist Delusion" Full Film at YouTube

P.S. Since these comments were inspired when Krauss brought up the topic of the "intent" behind things, ask yourself these questions:

 Why did Ray Comfort allow himself to be in this video (which he had nothing to do with the making of) and be saddled with so many restraints ("you can only ask me 4 questions", "these other people will also be filming you" "you use everything I say or nothing", ) ?

Why put up with Krauss' insulting behavior? (Krauss told him "you're wrong" over and over, but Ray never fought back.
Even when Ray said he meant his now famous "banana remarks" to be funny (which I knew the moment I heard them) Krauss says, "no you didn't".  Yet Ray doesn't even take issue with that.

After watching the entire video, if you were trapped in an elevator for 18 hours, would you rather be in there with Ray Comfort or Lawrence Krauss?