Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

June 17, 2016

Harsh But Still Here

It's been a harsh week. I've been stuck in bed and MONTY (my cat) and I have been having a battle-of-wills. So I've had to cut him off the "Laura-Lee Love" a few times and give him a 'cold shoulder' (the only punishment that effects him). But it also means no cat-cuddles for me either and that's a 'bummer'. I didn't realize just how accustomed to his love I've become. 

He needs to have me near, constantly in sight and usually wants to be completely involved in whatever I'm doing, which sounds very sweet but can take a LOT of patience too. 
He still can have some horrible nightmares. May you never know what it's like to hear a cat actually scream from fear! He wakes with a jump, checks to see if I'm near and reaches out to put his paw(s) on me to reassure himself that I'm here and he's safe before he can go back to sleep. But he doesn't like it if  I  touch him too much. 

 I adopted him from the Humane Society and I can only imagine what sort of abuse he had in the two years of life before he came to live with me. He may have tons of behaviour issues, but he's got lots of love to give too - if I can just teach him how to express it properly. Even though I didn't really want a cat when I adopted him, I'm sure now that it was God's will. He knew MONTY and I needed each other.

"[Lord] Montague Longbody CrapPoopKin"
(Royal Name)

Being in bed more also means I've had more time for praying too and there are lots of people I know right now who need some extra prayers. 
I've made a request in another post here at this blog for you to help pray with me and for me and there are times I can actually FEEL your prayers giving me a boost: physically and emotionally. I'm so grateful for you.

Thanks so much for stopping in. I hope you can get some worry-free rest this Sabbath (which ever day that is for you) and that the coming week is good for you.

Love Always, Laura-Lee,  who "was here" yet again.

"Pretty-Boy MONTY"
('Gangsta' Name)