Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

February 20, 2016

"Complete Films Play List" at Laura-Lee's YouTube Channel

Just realized that my "PLAY LIST" at YouTube called Link to "COMPLETE FILMS" Play List at Laura-Lee's YouTube Channel" is getting pretty long and has lots of really good & entertaining films on it, so I decided to make it public so I could share it with you. 

Most are older B&W films, but there's something for everyone and worth taking the time to watch.

I've included a rating system of "Asterisks" (some amount out of a possible 10 - EXAMPLE: ********). So look for that and also the words "CLASSIC" and "MUST SEE". If I've attached those to a film's comments you definitely will want to watch it.

So whenever you feel like a good film to "whisk" you away and keep you entertained (for free) check out my "Complete Films" Play List and when you've done watching those that are there now,  I'm sure YouTube will have other recommendations for you. 
(Plus, I am always finding more & adding them to my list.)


For You, my Friends. 

Compliments of Laura-Lee

P.S. Here comes another Sabbath Day of rest. Hope it's a good one for you. Jesus is quite capable of watching over your life while you take a "day of rest" and focus on God and the true things that matter. Take good care of yourselves. You matter to me and to the Lord most of all!

P.P. S. I haven't been around much lately, but I still take the time to pray for you.

"God bless you, you wonderful people!"

I don't know each of your names, but I know God knows ALL about you and the details of your life. He knows what you need before I even ask Him to help you. The Bible tells us Jesus has the "hairs of our head numbered" and actually "saves our tears". We don't even care about OURSELVES that much!