Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

May 25, 2015



We started the month of May here with a couple days of snow fall. Today it's PLUS 30 Celsius in my apartment. So it is definitely time for a tiny bit of silliness before I shut off this computer (which is too hot to be around and giving off waves of heat).

I've had plenty of time to think what "legacy" I want to leave behind when I'm gone. I've loved to write my entire life, so I've always wanted to create a word. 
When I got my cat, MONTY, I noticed that nobody seemed to have an official word for that skin rippling that cats' do on their backs. (reminds me of when a horse is trying to get rid of flies). I asked 3 Vets what they call that and they just call it the "back rippling" or something equally boring. 

So I named it!

It's called, "The Squibbies" and it's a Noun. Such as, "Do you have the Squibbies, MONTY?"

So I will often tell MONTY to go "Run out 'Dem Squibbies". (Poor MONTY. He's so miserable from the heat he 'ain't' running out ANYTHING right now!)

On the TOP of the right column you'll find a quick audio file I made of me telling MONTY to "Go get them SQUIBBIES!" so you can hear what it sounds like.

Now it's your job to use the word as much as possible. (Better still if you have a cat.) I've noticed that cats actually seem to like to hear the word, "Squibbie" And don't forget to tell people where you heard the word from. (I've still got a legacy to fulfill)

Love Laura-Lee

(and of course, add the word to your "Spellchecks")