Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

November 25, 2013

Merry Christmas with Music

 My promised Christmas Music Playlist is here at last! Find it at the top of each page.

Those of you who have been reading my blog will know this will be a difficult Christmas for me. It's the first one since Mom died.

But at the same time, I also know it will be the greatest Christmas I have ever had. That is the parallel of being a Christian. My heart mourns, but my Spirit is filled with joy and gratitude and excitement beyond what I can express. Or beyond what I have even begun to really understand.
I know that Mom is spending her first Christmas in the presence of Jesus. But I am in his presence too. I feel him stronger and hear him louder than I ever have before. Soon I'll be joining them (and the rest of my "great cloud of witnesses") in person. Not because I've never sinned. Not because I've suffered more than others. But only because of what Jesus did and who he is: God's only Son who came to earth to die as a sacrifice for your sins and mine. And because of that sacrifice, because he paid the penalty of death for our sins, he has the right to offer forgiveness to anyone who asks. Anyone. And the moment I did ask, he came into my life and I've never been the same. For me, Christmas is all the time. I so deeply want it to be that way for you too! 

I hope, as you have read my blogs, you have seen glimpses that Jesus IS real. Please don't let another Christmas (or another day) pass without picking up a Bible and learning about God's love for you and His purpose for your life.There's an adventure waiting for you. I beg you not to miss it.  

It took me several hours to create the "Christmas Playlist"  and I put it in a format that you can play while you surf around the rest of the web.
Mostly, I want to give you some joy and peaceful moments to turn your heart and mind towards home. Not just the one you have now, but the home you feel in your heart you should have. The one people are always reaching for when they say they want an "old fashioned Christmas". That Home can be had and is waiting for you. In this life and the next.

I've picked many different types of songs, from different genres and spanning 6 decades. I hope listening will allow you to enjoy yourself, feel relaxed, put you in the mood for Christmas and lay open the layers of your heart.

The lyrics to the last 3 songs are in the post, "LYRICS for Christmas Playlist a la LAURA-LEE".  Just follow the LINK below.

LYRICS for Christmas Playlist a la LAURA-LEE

Have a wonderful Christmas as you find out that Jesus came because he loves you ... Above All.

Love Laura-Lee