Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

October 02, 2013


At the beginning of  September (smack in the middle of the Labor Day long weekend actually), I saw two mice in my apartment at about 3:00 am when I got up to go to the bathroom. Just what I needed. Right?

Two days later I came home with my new cat, Monty. I got him at my local Humane Society. They gave him the name, Montgomery, but it just doesn't seem to fit him.

So, now that Mom is gone, I suppose I'm on my way to becoming the strange, Christian, Cat-Lady. Monty is probably just the first of my next 89 cats.

He is a full grown domestic short hair, tabby cross. Male and Neutered. I've only had experience with barn cats in the past, so a house cat is a completely new experience.

The Humane Society new almost nothing about him except that they supposed he had been stray for quite a while before they picked him up. He has a lot of behaviour issues. It's like living with a war veteran with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ... in cat form.

But he certainly has made my life a lot more lively, and he has his cute and comical moments (which you will see). And I haven't seen one whisker of a mouse since he moved in.

I made a little video to introduce him to you. I'm sure I'll have more to say about him in the future. Probably by the time Christmas rolls around I'll be one of those owners who dresses their pets up in costumes and puts them on their Christmas Cards. We'll have to see.

For now, may I present, "A Night with Monty" (and he is "full" of it). My Full Monty.

Love Laura-Lee

UPDATE - November 1, 2013

I really do appreciate all the advice about cats and MONTY in particular that everyone is giving me. But please don't tell me to spray him with water anymore. It only ticks him off more.
Once I was running water in my kitchen sink and he decided to get into the sink at the same time. I flicked a little bit of water at him with my fingers. He got mad, lunged at me, sunk his teeth into my exposed armed and it took me a few seconds to "convince" him to let go. It bled for an entire day. So I don't think the water spray thing will work. But thanks for trying anyway.

P.S. But don't be hesitant to give other advice. I'll try anything at this point.