Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

December 24, 2012

Annual Christmas Video 2012

For the past couple years I have created a Christmas video and this year I'm at it again.

Christmas 2010 was all about my family. Basically photos and music strung together.

Christmas 2011 was all about the reason Jesus came. You often see signs at Christmas that say, "Jesus is the Reason for the Season". But with the 2011 video I tried to answer the question, "Why did Jesus come?" with my video, "We Are the Reason for the Season".

In the past year I have been stunned (and saddened) to discover how few people actually know the story of Jesus, who he is or anything concrete or factual about him. They have never read the Bible nor have they attended a church. They get their information from a handful of "Biblical" movies, which have been hugely changed and rewritten by Hollywood writers.  Then you mix in Santa Claus, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman and Jack Frost and you have a recipe for CONFUSION!

So this year my Annual Christmas video is going back to basics. It is done mostly with drawings done by my very own little hands. Then I scanned the pictures into my computer, added a few photos, some music and PRESTO! ... you've got another Christmas video by Laura-Lee.

I hope you like it. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that by knowing more about Jesus, you will come closer to knowing him personally.


You may also want to go to my YouTube Channel and watch my "Christmas Videos by Laura-Lee" Playlist.

YouTube Playlist: CHRISTMAS VIDEOS by Laura-Lee


Check out my Blog Post, "My Three Dads", which I just put up a couple hours ago.

God Bless you, and MERRY CHRISTMAS.