Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

April 02, 2010

Saturday Suffering

As Easter approaches I've been thinking a lot about Easter Saturday. The Bible doesn't talk about the day after Jesus died. It must have been such a horrible day for all those who loved him and had put all their hopes in him. They thought HE was the ONE! The long awaited messiah. But he was dead. Over. Finished. They didn't know back then, what we know now. That Sunday was coming! And boy! what a day that was going to be. But to those suffering through Saturday, it must have seemed like it would never end.

I heard someone say once that a person can live without food for several weeks, without water for several days but without hope they will almost instantly perish. I met Jesus and became a Christian just before my 12th birthday but I can still remember what it was like without him. I had decided to kill myself the day before. I had figured out that life was too painful and I was too small to get through on my own. Little did I know what would happen the very next day. A day that would forever change me in ways that I still don't comprehend and never fully will until I see him "face to face".

But the day before ... the day of pain, of grief, of suffering ... it seemed like it would never end. It stretched on forever in front of me, because I didn't know what was coming.

But once we know something we can't un-know it. Now we know that Jesus lives, that his home is inside of us, he has gone to Heaven to prepare us a place, that he will come back for us and (most importantly) he never breaks a promise!

So hang onto that one promise and the loving God who will never break it. Then every week, when Sunday rolls around, realize that God is reminding you once again that Sunday always comes. Once his grave became empty, it stayed empty! And that for thousands of years, billions of people have believed:

" I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God;"

(Job 19:25-26)

Remember: Sunday is always just a day away.
Easter Blessings to All