Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

December 19, 2008

Gerard Butler

The more I know about Gerard Butler the more impressed with him I become.

I've seen several interviews of him and he seems to have two very important things that I sincerely like about him: 1) he keeps his sense of humor no matter what is happening to him and 2) he seems to truly like his mother as a person (I can really relate to that).

I hope he takes his time and picks his next projects well. He also has a lot of talent and I would hate to see his career dissolve into that latest hunk, when he has the potential to be so much more.

I have a group dedicated to him over at Yahoo. It's primarily for Christians. We talk about his career and prayer for him as well as for each other.

If that sounds like it might interest you, please feel free to stop by and join up. We would love to have you.

Sincerely, Maidryn