Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

August 08, 2024

God's HOLY Judgment Against ANSWERS in GENESIS (Simplified)


Never in my 46 years as a Christian have I dared to utter the words, “Thus saith the LORD” unless it was directly from the Bible … until now.

Answers in Genesis, under the leadership of KEN HAM  and MARTYN ILES, are currently building a replica of the TOWER of BABEL (next to the “world renownedArk Encounter). They are going to make it a ride for their Theme Park and will charge people money to see it.

In what alternate reality do these people live that they think God is pleased with this❓️❗️

Have you ever wondered why God let the original people who built Babel proceed so far before going down and busting it up? I mean, why didn't the LORD stop it much sooner? 

I think He was being patient and waiting to see where and when each individual would take their stand.

So here we are THOUSANDS of years later and this is no subtle or nuanced Biblical topic. God made sure to put it right up front in the Bible and in black and white.  He records the unholy motivations and deeds of building Babel and His Holy and Righteous Judgment upon its builders so that in the here and now we are left without any excuses.

If you believe the Bible is God’s Word then each day you do nothing to take a stand against this is another day God is counting against you. It's just that simple.

Maybe you are local to Answers in Genesis, like in Northern Kentucky or the Cincinnati area, and can protest in person.

Maybe you have the ability to talk to or message Ken, Martyn or someone from Answers in Genesis directly.

Maybe you have Social Media that you can post on.

Maybe you can get on your knees to God and ask Him directly what kind of stand He wants you to personally take against this.

No matter WHAT means you have available to you, God is pausing for a moment to allow people to choose their sides. It doesn't get any more definitive than this, People.

This is God drawing a line in the sand. Pick your side.

As to ANYONE connected to Answers in Genesis,

each day you let pass that you do not IMMEDIATELY repent of this REBELLIOUS BETRAYAL of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY you will endure another day of His WRATH added to your Judgment❗️


THUS … SAITH …  the … LORD

Nevertheless, in the day when I visit for punishment, I will visit punishment upon them for their sin.” (Exodus 32:34)

LINK Exodus 32

LINK Genesis 11:1-9 ( Tower of Babel)*

LINK "Answers in Genesis Rebuilding the Tower of Babel "

LINK Answers in Genesis JonesTown Redux


"For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?"
(1 Peter 4:17)

"You're DISMISSED, Ken" ❗️

Take a Bow