Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

August 22, 2024

Wimpy Christians Need to Zip Their Lips


They call The Simpsons "evil" but say nothing about The Acolyte and all its pro LGBTQ agendas.

They criticize Joel Osteen but say nothing about Kenneth Copeland who's been fleecing the Flock for 5 DECADES❗️ (that's half a Century, Folks)

They attack Pentecostals for the "weird way they worship" but say nothing about the Head of the Anglican Church (King Charles) being a Divorced man and pro LGBTQ.


Do I detect the tendency to attack people and hurl vitriol only at those who will not retaliate.? πŸ€”

Oh well, just another average day in the Christian Church in the West. 🀷‍♀️

But if you want to REALLY follow Jesus ...


The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee 

(Okay. This picture is kinda cute, but you get my meaning, right?)