Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

July 22, 2024

Answers in Genesis: JonesTown Redux


When Congressman Leo Ryan received complaints from a handful of people concerned that their family members were being kept against their will in a community in Guyana, South America run by the Reverend Jim Jones, he went down with a news crew to check it out. He was given a tour by Jones but as they were getting back on the plane to return to America they were gunned down by Jones's people.

Then Jim Jones convinced more than 900 people to murder their children and drink poison before he blew his brains out. 

I watched with horror in my little girl eyes as this all unfolded before us in the news over the course of many days.

About a year later the miniseries about this was aired on American network TV. It was hyper accurate and the last moments were able to be depicted verbatim because several people made a run for it and survived and Jones was such a raging, insane Narcissist that he recorded the entire thing on audio, right down to the final shot.

We study this in Behavioral Science because it is a textbook example of a cult and its leader and because we can track the rise and fall of it from beginning to end.

I have studied hour upon hour of video testimony by former members of The People's Temple as well as a myriad of interviews and sermons by Jones himself.

But it is the original images that still haunt and drive me as I watch them played out again by Answers in Genesis under Ken Ham. Just as I saw the tragedy of JonesTown unfold all those decades ago, I can't help but wonder what will happen to the HUNDREDS of thousands of devoted  followers of Ken Ham when his day of Reckoning comes, as it surely will. I pray that some action is taken by the authorities to avoid continuing and further hurt to its members.

It is my deep, DEEP desire that the tragedy in Guyana can be used to save those trapped by cults in THIS generation.

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee πŸ˜–

LINK "What Makes a Cult (Simplified)"

I just recently watched the miniseries again (currently free on YouTube) and realized just how incredibly accurate it is. I  advise you to watch it as well so that you will be aware of what to look for because now cults are everywhere and are insidiously luring in hurting, isolated and trusting people.

LINK 'Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones" (free miniseries on YouTube)


UPDATE July 23, 2024

Where is Answers in Genesis on the JonesTown Timeline❓️


Although they are not at a mass suicide level yet I'm sure they have been large contributors to several individual suicides.


They have gone FAR down this Rabbit Hole and have been for years. Ken Ham is a millionaire many times over, has his entire family (including in-laws) on the AiG payroll and has been taking “kickbacks” for years. All of this I discovered just by doing some basic searches through public records online that are available to anybody who wishes to look. The fact that the IRS doesn’t routinely audit him speaks volumes.


Yes. There is lots of Fornication and Adultery going on and being covered up amongst its leaders and members, but even though that is anti Biblical and sinful it's not illegal. And there are very few people who would cancel their holiday plans to the “world renownedArk Encounter and Creation Museum just because a bunch of hypocrites are behaving immorally. 

As to actual Sexual Abuse

Because of the heinous and criminal nature of Sexual Abuse it has been my practice through the years to never accuse someone of such a thing unless I have hard evidence against them that will stand up in a court of law.

But if you want my professional opinion…

Yes. There is currently sexual abuse going on at Answers in Genesis, but these things are deeply hidden and covered up and until somebody has the moral courage to come forward and tell what they know, it will continue. It certainly won't be the victims breaking the silence because they are imprisoned by their fears and shame which has been inflicted on them by their perpetrators and has condemned them to lives of agony.

(But no big deal, eh? 🀷‍♀️)

There's very little more I can do from my small apartment in CANADA πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦. It will require someone “in the know” to blow the whistle, for Christians to take a stand, and/or for American Patriots to say “Not in MY country!”

Or perhaps just a few concerned family members will reach out to their local governing authority, just like those that brought about the end to JonesTown. Tragic as that ending was, it still ENDED!

Since Answers in Genesis continues to grow and expand rapidly on a Global scale I can't help but cringe and lament as I wonder how long it will go on before it has its ending and just what level of tragic that ending will be.


LINK "God's HOLY Judgment Against ANSWERS in GENESIS "

UPDATE July 27, 2024
This is no small thing and the mind control goes deep.
Martyn Iles's latest "Truth in 10" sermon on his YouTube Channel is being SPONSERED by MINDVALLEY❗️

This is HARDCORE New Age Mind Control, Demon embracing stuff.
Psychic abilities
Spirit Guides (Demons)
Using video screens to meditate to "altered states of consciousness". 
This is "Doctrines of Demons" off the scale.
Martyn is PROMOTING this on his YouTube Channel AND making money from it, WHILE giving a sermon about the EXACT opposite."Overcoming a Mindset That Has Overcome Our Culture"

It's utter Lunacy❗️

THE EMBARK Intern Program at Answers in Genesis

Of course MOST of them aren't leaving at all. Answers in Genesis is now their life.
 πŸ˜–πŸ˜’ LLR


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