Laura-Lee Was Here

Laura-Lee Was Here

July 16, 2024

Martyn Iles (Simplified)


G'day, I'm Martyn Iles

and this is “The Truth of It”

I abandoned my country of Australia, moved away from my entire support system of home, friends and family, succumbed to “Love Bombing”, allowed myself to be isolated into an echo chamber away from contact with anyone who isn't a hardcore Answers in Genesis employee or supporter in order to become the Frontman for an International Cult and # 1 Stooge to a Greedy, old, science teacher from Dalby,, Australia, so I can make a name for myself and a LOT of money.

The Truth with Love,

Always Laura-Lee 

LINK "Martyn Iles Manifesto for World Domination (In His Own Words)

LINK "Answers in Genesis Rebuilding the Tower of Babel"

LINK "Martyn Iles Officially Made CEO of Answers in Genesis" 🥴🤪


My blog has NO advertising, I do NOT have an online store, I don't know any Answers in Genesis employees (past or present) and have never met Martyn Iles or Ken Ham.